Small Germanic kingdoms slowly replace Roman provinces and family ties and personal loyalty rather than personal citenzenship and law become the focus. -
New Languages Develop
After common language was lost, different types of language started to develop. This eventually formed into French and Spanish. -
Period: 500 to Oct 29, 1500
Middle Ages
Uniting of the Franks
Covis brought Christianity to his people,and the Franks were united into one kingdom. Their main goal was to spread Christianity, and there were many monastaries and monks. -
Nov 27, 636
Muslims conquer Jerusalem
Muslim forces led by the Arab Rashidun Caliphs defeated the Eastern Roman/Byzantines at the Battle of Yarmouk, conquering Palestine. -
Period: Oct 29, 751 to
Carolingnian Dynasty
Oct 14, 1066
Battle of Hastings
The Norman-French of Duke William of Normandy and the the English army led by King Harold II around Hastings. King Harold ended up getting killed and the English lost. -
Oct 30, 1075
Banning of Lay Investure
Controversy broke out from the attire worn by religous figures such as priests and the pope. it was later resolved in 1122 through the Concordat of Worms -
Period: Nov 20, 1096 to Nov 20, 1270
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CrusadesA battle between Jews, Christians, and Muslims in order to kill whoever was not Christian. -
Nov 27, 1096
Jews are attacked during the Crusades
In the First Crusade, many thriving communities of Jews were killed in the areas of Rhine and Danube. -
May 26, 1176
Battle of Legnano
A battel between the subjects of the Holy Roman Empire, and the members of the Lombard League, an alliance made to counter the Holy Roman Empire. After the battle of Legnano, the Holy Roman Empire, led by Frederick I Barbarossa,also king of Germany, lost. -
Jun 15, 1215
Magna Carta
Andocument forced on the king for laws of equality by his subjects the fuedal barons -
Nov 1, 1235
European Invasion
Maguars from the east would not settle, but they would capture slaves. Vikings would just go on raids, but Muslims from the South conquered and settled. -
Nov 27, 1295
Parliament is formed in England
Established that the king could not levy or collect taxes except for the fuedal tax -
Nov 27, 1313
Vernacular Languages
After the split of the church, vernacular languages Spanish and French formed. -
Period: Nov 20, 1337 to Nov 20, 1453
Hundred Years' War
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundred_Years'_Wa</a>A series of conflict between the kingdoms of England and the kingdoms of France
Period: Nov 20, 1340 to Nov 20, 1400
Bubonic Plauge-Black Death
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubonic_plagueA plauge in which huge pus filled blisters would appear. Muslims and Jews were often blamed for this because Christians believed God was punishing them for their sins. -
Nov 1, 1347
Secular Power
Pope Gregory I wanted secular power so he could expand religous autority. He had a vision for Christidom to be expanded and strengthened. -
Nov 27, 1414
Great Schism
a split within the Roman Catholic Church that lasted from 1378 to 1417. -
May 27, 1431
Joan of Arc is burned at the stake as a heretic
While Joan was being burned alive for associating with the devil, she kept repeating Jesus' name over and over to give her strength while holding a wooden cross -
Nov 1, 1461
Loss of Language
After the decline of the former western Roman Empire, there was a loss of common language, such as Greek, which was te language that the most important works of literature, science, and philosopy were in, so many important works were lost -
Crowning of Charlemagne by the Pope
Charlemagne, or Charles the Great. was crowned king after his father Pepin the Short stopped ruling. Charles the great regularly visited every part of the kingdom and encouraged learning, causing monastaries to open schools and expand their libraries, -
Germans Invade Former Western Roman Empire
Germans invade the former Western Roman Empire and destroy and make changes to language, government, and culture -
Downfall of Carlemagne's Empire
Carlemagne 's only son inerits the throne, who was not a strong ruler and leaves it to tree sons, who fougt over it and eventually just split the lands. -
Period: to
Reign of Charlemagne