Period: to
Lesson implementation
Introduction of the Unit
Activity 1
ntroduction of the unit including a review of “Guidelines For A Safe Learning Environment”
Review of the personal pronouns and introduction of the verb “gustar” How can I say what I like or not liked to do in Spanish?
How can I say what things I like or dislike is Spanish? -
Learning the preliminary needed information
Introduction to the preposition A
Introduction to the preposition pronouns
Introduction to the indirect object pronouns -
Introduction to Verbs and Homework 1
Vocabulary list: Verbs
Introduction to verbs in the infinitive form
Instruct the students to learn at home the verb vocabulary using the video presentation
“Vocabulary 1 Verbos”
Video URL
Since it is a weekend students should have some extra time to learn at home -
Playing "Simon Dice"
Playing “Simon Dice” Simon says in Spanish.
Together as a class, students and teacher will come up with a set of gestures that would represent the different verbs from the vocabulary list.
Then we will explain the rules of the game and play a few rounds.
This activity will serve as a formative assessment to evaluate the students’ ability to learn and retain the vocabulary.
(This activity may take 2 sessions) -
Introduction to Grammatical formula 1
Gustar + infinitivo Introduction to the first grammatical formula to create sentences using “gustar” in relation with verbs. (Formula 1) To express what you like to do in Spanish Working in small groups practice creating questions and answers sentences to express your likes -
Brainstorming to create a storyboard and Homework 2
Working in small groups brainstorm about how to create a storyboard that expresses what the group likes to do. Use a graphic organizer in paper to create your storyboard https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ZTD6q6uS6WNzd5dDBlbS1DdU0/view?usp=sharing Give the students homework of creating this storyboard using the Story Board That tool and collaborating in their groups. One storyboard per group.
(This activity may take 2 sessions) -
Review the Story boards in class
Review in the classroom the storyboards created and have the students identify
Their mistake if needed and instruct them to fix them. -
Simón Dice con "gustar"
Play a couple of rounds of Simon Says to make sure students continue to remember the vocabulary. Using the grammatical formula learned in class
“Simón dice: A mí me gusta verbo”
Allow the students to explore and try to find in a dictionary, either printed or electronic, a couple of verbs that they might want to use. -
Learning to express dislikes
Introduction to the first grammatical formula to create sentences using “gustar” in relation with verbs. (Formula 1) To express what you dislike doing in Spanish https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rJIjmMNVVaYFUa1y5YvpQoKBW1BXP8gRrad3Kms6K2Y/edit?usp=sharing Working in small groups practice creating questions and answers sentences to express your dislikes -
Brainstorming to create a Google presentation and Homework 3
Working in small groups brainstorm about how to create a slide presentation that expresses what the group dislikes to do. If possible use the Cacoo's Website to create and share the students graphic organizers (Chrome Books needed) Give the students homework of creating this presentation using Google Slides and collaborating in their groups. One presentation per group. (This activity may take 2 sessions) -
Presentations Review
Review in the classroom the Google Presentation created. Have the students identify their mistake if needed and instruct them to fix them. -
Formal Assessment
Have the students complete an online test created with Google Forms.
We will need the classroom Chrome Books to complete it in class.