
Unit Plan on Quadratic Functions(Part I)

  • Graphing Simple Quadratics

    Students will study the relationship within variables through graphing. They will evauate equations by plugging in different numbers for x.
  • Comparing and Contrasting Graphs of Linear and Quadratic Functions.

    <a href='' >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aporNtmsmrA</a> Students will then discuss the similarities and differences betwen linear and quadratic functions. For homework they will be asked to write a reflection on whether their predictions were true/false.
  • Real life examples modeled by Parabolas

    Real life examples modeled by Parabolas
    Students will learn aboutthe differences of critical points in both linear and quadratic functions.
  • Finding the roots of quadratic equations algebraically

    Finding the roots of quadratic equations algebraically
    Studying the relationship between factors of a quadratic function and the actual quadratic expression.
  • Completing the Square

    Students will realize that they cannot factor some quadratic functions by using the method of findng two numbers that multiply to get c, but add up to b. They will learn to solve for the roots of quadratic equations with a different constants by completing the square.
  • How do different values for a, b and c change the shape of quadratic funtions?

    How do different values for a, b and c change the shape of quadratic funtions?
    Students will experiment with technological devices to see how different values for a,b and c changes the graph.
  • Finding the Vertex and Axis of Symmetry algebraically

    Finding the Vertex and Axis of Symmetry algebraically
    Students will plug constants into the axis of symmetry equation and the vertex to find where their axis of symmetry and vertex lie on the grid.
  • Making connections of equations, tables and graphs of quadratic finctions

    Students will be able to recognize the same information from a given equation, table or graph. They will realize that these representations of quadratic functions are identical.
  • Unit Exam

    Students will use different techniques to solve and graph quadratic functions.