unit 6 choice project

  • The tennis court oath

    The tennis court oath
    After the third estate basically rebelled, king louis did not like that very much so they faced and delt with a lot of resistance from him. Given that he was king, he pretty much laughed at their authority. However, they continued to fight for authority and they moved to a near by tennis court and took a oath, which was to not disband until they were taken seriously and had some authority.
  • the third estate declares itself the national assembly

    the third estate declares itself the national assembly
    after the estates-general, things escalated because the poor people/third estate was mad with its lack of political power. Apparently each estate only has one vote, and the third estate can be over ruled. since the third estate is tired of being ignored and stuff they declared themselfs the "national assembly" .
  • The flight to varennes

    The flight to varennes
    This was a major event in the revolution and it damaged the credibility of king Louis xvi and the monarchy. This is when king Louis xvi tried to flee France to varennes like we talked about in class and watch a video on. Long story short, after being caught trying to escape France he was seen as un loyal and a coward. The people of France threw him from ruling and put him in prison.
  • the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen

    the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen
    This was one of the biggest documents and most important of the french revolution. it pretty much laid the foundation for the modern human rights and frances democracy.
  • the french constitution

    the french constitution
    The french constitution was the first written constitution in its history. it was created by the national assembly mostly to establish constitutional monarchy.
  • the national convention and the Abolition of the monarchy

    the national convention and the Abolition of the monarchy
    National convention was the new governing body of France that officially took over the monarchy. In this case, this event marked the start of radical revolutionary rule.
  • The estates-general gets conved

    The estates-general gets conved
    The estates-General was a assembly that was legislative and it represented the three estates. We learned about these estates in class, but the meeting they held with king louis the xvi was held because of frances money and fincial crisis. The estates-general had failed to resolve the crisis and caused france huge change towards the abolition of the monarchy.
  • Period: to

    French revolution

  • The trial and execution of king louis xvi

    The trial and execution of king louis xvi
    This was a defining moment in the french revolution, this being the first time a monarch was legally tried and executed by his own people. Obviously we talked about this in class, how when he was caught trying to escape france and was put in jail and then was chosen to rule again. We also know that he was beheaded by the guillotine.
  • The storming of the bastille

    The storming of the bastille
    This was one of the most famous events during the french revolution. This was an uprising against the monarchy, and this was a civil war pretty much because king louis xvi sent troops to deal with the national assembly. The third estate people wanted weapons and gunpowder to defend themselves.
  • The Abolition of Feudalism

    The Abolition of Feudalism
    after the storming of the bastille, uprisings happened all across france and it became what is known as the Great fear. Everyone started revolting, and the national assembly met and abolished feudalism, noble privileges, etc.
  • The civil constitution of the clergy

    The civil constitution of the clergy
    This was a law that the national assembly passed and it dramatically changed the roll of the Catholic church in France. It placed the church under state control. This caused a lot of dispute if you can imagine, specifically between revolutionaries and religious authorities.
  • the execution of Marie antoinette

    the execution of Marie antoinette
    The former queen of France, (also one of the most hated rulers) her execution marked the finale of the destruction of the monarchy. We also talked about her in class, how she was also imprisoned.
  • the insurrection of August

    the insurrection of August
    storming of the Tuileries palace marked the fall of the monarchy. It also marked the rise of the more radical phase of the revolution which leads to the execution of king louis xvi.
  • the September massacres

    the September massacres
    This was a series of horrific mass executions of prisoners in Paris. This followed from the fall of the monarchy. This event was also used with the guillotine.
  • The reign of terror

    The reign of terror
    The reign of terror was the most violent and radical phase of the french revolution. Thousands of people were executed. This was when over 40,000 people were executed with the guillotine.
  • the thermidorian reaction

    the thermidorian reaction
    the thermidorian reaction was the political overthrow and execution of Maximilien Robespierre. The third estates feared his power.