Unit 5 Timeline- Mueggenborg

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    In the Indian independence movement, he was a civil leader of the people and fought through and won with his non violence.
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    Juan Peron

    A military officer and politician who was elected as president of Argentina 3 times serving only 1 full term. Some loved him while others hated.
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    Unit 5 Timeline

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    World War 1

    Known as the Great War, it was based around Europe and consisted of two sides, the Allies, and the Central Powers More than 9 million were killed and its become the 2nd most deadliest conflict in history. Resulted in Allies victory.
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    Russian Revolution

    Multiple amounts of revolutions in Russia which ended the Autocracy. In then came a provisional government.
  • Wilson's 14-Point Plan

    An address given by president Wilson assuring that the war was being fought for a moral cause a peace in Europe for after the war.
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    Nelson Mandela

    The first African American oresident to hold a fully representative role, served as the president of South Africa. Democratic representative.
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    League of Nations

    A group assembled as a result of the Paris Peace Conference which was what ended WWI, and led into becoming the United Nations. It was made as an International Security Organization.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    One of the treaties at the end of WWI that ended state war of Germany and the Allied Powers. Main reason of it was too have Germany accept and repay for their damages done.
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    Chinese Civil War

    A civil war in China fought between Kuomintang, the governing party of the Republic of China and the Communist Party of China forits control. Till today, there has been no settlement to the war.
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    Stalins (first) 5 year plan

    A plan to fix or better the economy of the Soviet Union between 1928 and 1932. Their goal was to make the market, and military self suffecient.
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    The Great Depression

    A huge worldwide depression causing many too lose jobs, homes, familys, bringing them to the streets. Happened right before WW2
  • Hitler Comes to Power

    On this day, Adolph Hitler was appointed as chancellor and changed everything to total dictatorship without breaking law.
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    World War 2

    The deadliest conflict in history, WW2 consisted of the Allied vs the Axis powers and had many major events like the Holocaust and Nuclear Weapons in Warfare.
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    Mao Zedong and Maoism

    Mao Zedong was a Chinese revolutionary, guerrilla warfare strategist, poet, political theorist, and leader of the Chinese Revolution. Maoism was "Mao Zedongs thought" and was basically a communist theory.
  • Creation of Pakistan

    People wanted their own muslim state apart from India since northern east india already had their own identity. People migrated toward their respected regions based on religion.
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    Cold War

    A war between America and Russia of nothing but threats. One threatened the other that nuclear bombs would be fired yet none ever did so.
  • Indian Independence

    This day, India gained independence from Great Britian and has become a national holiday.
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    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO where basically countries have each others backs just incase something goes wrong.
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    Korean War

    Conflict between South Korea and North Korea which led to a border divide between the two countries, one being a democracy and the other being a communist country.
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    Warsaw Pact

    Also known as the treaty of friendship, it's a mutual defense treaty consisting of 8 communist states reassuring that they have each others backs.
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    Vietnam War

    War between North and South (supported by US) Vietnam trying to get rid of the Norths communist side. North members were captured and North and South Vietname then became reunified.
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    The Great Leap Forward

    An economic and social campaign of the Communist Party of China where they wanted to better the country through agriculturalization, industrialization, and collectivization. Mao Zedong led this campaign.
  • Bay of Pigs

    This was a failed CIA Invasion in Cuba to overthrow Castro but within 3 days, american men/women were defeated and the mission failed.
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    Berlin Wall

    A wall that split Germany in 2 sides leaving friends and family detached for a long period of time. After many riots, then uncontrollable crowd broke down the berlin wall and reunited.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    During the Cold War, Cuba had been set up with missiles pointing toward the US. An agreement was made, and the missiles were removed.
  • Helsinki Accords

    A final act to settle issues between communist states and the West. 35 states signed.
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    Iranian Revolution

    Events leading up to the overthrow of the Monarchy and the establishment of the Islamic Republic. Leader then became Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who was also the leader of the revolution
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    Iran- Iraq War

    Knows as the Imposed War, a mostly military, or armed forces war with both sides thinking they're better. Led to no winner, no improvement, just damage.
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    Tiananmen Square

    A large city square in the middle of Bejing where a picture of Mao Zedong is located. Great cultural significance and where Soldiers opened fire on protesters.
  • Gernam Reunification

    When Berlin was reunited and then German Democratic Republic joined the Federal Republic of Germany all becoming just Germany.
  • USSR Disintegrates

    On this day, President Gorbachev resigned and gave up his powers. The flag was dropped and the USSR was no more, now becoming what we know, Russia.
  • 9/11

    On this day, the terrorists of Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden hijacked and flew a plane into the twin towers and marked a point in American history that will not be forgotten.