Kansas-Nebraska Act
This Act was passed on by congress which stated that the people of Nebraska and Kansas could choose to have slavery or not. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The fugitive slave act of 1850 required all people to help catch runaway slaves anyone who was helping a slave hide or runaway was either fined or imprison. -
Election of 1860
I honestly think that the Election of 1860 was very important it was between 4 people but at the end Abraham Lincoln won and later on served as the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the American Civil War. -
The Monitor vs. The Merrimack
britannica.com/event/Battle-of-the-Monitor-and-Merrimackthis war was faught between two ships and it took part in the American Civil War. This war is also known as The Battle of Hampton Roads. -
The Battle of Shiloh
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_ShilohThe Battle of Shiloh only lasted for two days it was April 6 and 7.
The Battle of Shiloh was during the Civil War. The war is also known as the Battle of Pittsburg Lansting. -
The Emancipation Proclamation
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emancipation_ProclamationThe Emancipation Proclamation was issued by Abraham Linclon and it said that every slave in the south should be set free and freed all of them. -
The Battle of Gettysburg
history.com/topics/american-civil-war/battle-of-gettysburgThe Battle of Gettysburg went on till July 3, and is considered the most important engagement of the American Civil War, we won the war -
The Thirteenth Amendment
archives.gov/historical-docs/document.html?doc=9This Amendment was passed on by congress but ratified on December 6,1865. The 13th amendment was the amendement that abolished slavery, in the United States -
Surrender at Appomattox
eyewitnesstohistory.com/appomatx.htmWith all his men weak and surrounded General Robert E. Lee decided to surrender to General Grant, they met on April 9 and the meetting lasted 2 and one half of an hour.