19613936 history

Unit 5 Timeline

  • First Continental Congress calls for abolition of slave

    The 1st Continental Congress called upon the colonies in 1776 for the complete abolition of the slave trade in 1774. Several northern states went further and either abolished slavery altogether or provided the gradual emancipation of slaves. No states south of Pennsylvania abolished slavery.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The countries involved in the treaty were Britain and the U.S. They sent 3 people from America. These people where Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay. The final treaty was signed on September 3 1783. This day was very important to the U.S. Colonist.
  • Land Ordinance

    This ended the disputes between the states, created townships, expanded U.S. territory, and gave settlers land.
  • Church vs State

    Church vs. State. Congregational church legally established in N England, Anglican church changes to Protestant Episcopal church Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
  • Shays's Rebellion

    Daniel Shays upset over difficulties involving farmland mortgages (farmers were losing their land). Shays and company try to take over parts of Mass., but he's stopped, but pardoned before being put to death.
    Importance: was more fear of violence, and paranoia motivated folks to desire a stronger federal government.
  • Constitution put in effect

    constitution formally put into effect
    judiciary act (supreme court)
    Washington elected president
    French revolution begins
    declaration of the rights of man (france)