Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slace Act this controversial law allowed slave-hunters to seize alleged fugitive slaves without being arrested -
Election of 1860
The Election of 1860 James K. Polk was president and comfirmed the annexation of Texas. -
The Battle Of For Sumter
The Battle of Fort Sumter was when South Carolina went to battle over fort sumter -
The Monitor vs. The Merrimack
The Monior vs. The Merrimack Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack, also called Battle of Hampton Roads happened in the civil war -
The Battle of Shiloh
The Battle of Shiloh On the morning of April 6, 1862, 40,000 Confederate soldiers under the command of Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston went into a woods and amboshed the peopolse -
The Emancipation Proclimation
The Emancipation Proclimation This was created on the January 1 proves that all persons held as slaves -
The Battle of Getysburg
The Battle of Getysburg confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee and his troops efended the gettysburg pennslyvaina at Cemetery Hill. -