Period: Jan 1, 1395 to Feb 3, 1468
Johannes Gutenberg
German Blacksmith/Printer/Publisher that is credited with introducing the Printing Press to Europe and starting the Printing Revoultion. His methods differed from that of the Chinese in that he used a hand mould for casting and metal alloy. His new printing techniques led to the era of mass communication -
Jan 1, 1454
Printing Press
The first european printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg. It allowed books to be printed much faster than traditional methods. This led to the first assembly line style of printing books. -
Jan 1, 1454
Gutenberg Bible
The first major booked printed on Gutenberg's Press in the West. It was a bible printed in Latin. It was 42 lines long and is now considered one of the most valuable books in the world -
Period: Jan 1, 1543 to
Scientific revoultion
Beginning in the 16th centuary in Europe, the scientific revoultion led to developments in math, physics, biology, astronomy ect. It changed the way people thought about the world and became very influental in starting the enlightenment movement. -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Galilei
Often called "the father of observational astronomy" Galileo was also an important figure in the scientific revoultion. He also worked in phyics and other sciences as well as philosophy. He also contributed to the improvement of the telescope -
Apr 23, 1564
William Shakespeare
English poet and playwright that is considered the greatest writer in the English Language. His works are the most famous of any playwright and have been translated into every major language in the world -
Thomas Hobbes
English political philosopher that wrote the Leviathan. He is attributed to developing European liberal thought. ex. the right of the individual, he natural equality of all men -
economic system in which trade, industry, and production are controlled by private owners with the goal of making profits in a market economy -
Period: to
The Enlightment
cultural movement beginning in late 17th-century that emphasized eason and individualism instead of tradition. It reform society using reason and advanced knowledge through the scientific method -
King Charles I
Monarch of England, Scotland, and Ireland who ruled from March 27th, 1625 to January, 30th 1649. His conflicts with Parliaments over his rule utimately led to his exucation after he was defeated by the "Round Heads" (Parliamentists) -
The social contract
A model that originated during the Enlightenment period that addresses he origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual. This model was used and advocated by figures like Thomas Hobbes. -
John Locke
English philosopher and physician regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers. His work greatly affected the development of political philosophy and his writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau -
Period: to
English Civil War
English war that pitted Parliamentarians against Royalists that regarded the type of government in England. Charles 1 and 2 battled against the long and rump parliament. It led to the execuation of Charles 1, the exile of Charles 2, and the shift in England's government from a Monarchy to a commonwealth. -
Sir Isaac Newton
Often regarded as oneof the greatest scientists of all time, Newton was a key figure in the scientific revoultion. He was a phyicist and mathematician who created the laws of motion and he also built the first reflection telescope and investigated the laws of gravity -
A book written by Thomas Hobbes that talks about the structure of society and legitimate government. It is considered one of the earliest and most influential examples of the social contract theory, which deals with the origins of society and the authority of a state over its people. -
The principia was a series of 3 books written by Sir Isaac Newton. They stated Newton's law of motion and his laws of universal gravitation. It also included works that would eventually lead to the creation of calculus -
Baron De Monetesquie
French social commentator and political thinker that is famous for writing The Spirit of Laws, and for his work on the theory of the seperation of powers, which was the model of divided a government into branches. -
French Enlightenment writer that advocated for freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state. -
Period: to
Agricultural Revoultion
An improvement in the agriculture industry starting in the 1700's. New technology like new machinery, better drainage systems, new breeding techniques, and new crop rotation techniques. This revoultion preceded the Industrial Revolution -
Jean Jacques Rouseeau
Genevan philosopher who was the most popular member of the Jacobin Club during the French Revoultion. He wrote The Social Contract, which led to political reforms throughout Europe -
Adam Smith
Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economy that wrote The Wealth of Nations. Which is considered to be the first book about economics. -
James watt
scottish inventor who improved the steam engine. He made it more effective and efficent and found to ways to use it. -
Thomas Jefferson
American founding father, author of the delcartion of independence, and the 3rd president of the USA. He was a supporter of democracy and the rights of man -
Toussaint L'Ouverture
haitan revoultion leader. He was originially allied with the spanish but switched to french alliegence. Without him the revoultion would have most likely failed -
The Spirit of Laws
Book written by french political thinker Montesquieu that talked about the different kinds of politicail systems and became very influentinal around the world, even to the American Consitution -
Interchangeable parts
parts that were exactly the same. This lead to the use of the assembly line in the industrial revoultion to speed up production -
Factory System
shift that moved away from cottage systems and moved into the age of factories, machinery, and mass produced goods during the industrial revoultion. -
miguel hidalgo
Mexican priest and a leader of the Mexican War of Independence, he and his poor farmer army failed to revult against the spanish -
King Louis XVI
French King during the french revoultion and reformer. His raising of taxes angered citizens and he led france into a financial crisis. He was viewed as a tryant and was exucuted in 1793 -
Marie Antoinette
Habsburgh princess that married Louis XVI and became queen of france. She was hated by the citizens because of her overspending and extravent lifestyle. Some say she is to blame for the french financial crisis. She was executed in 1793 -
Period: to
Industrial Revoultion
transition to new manufacturing processes like going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, increasing use of steam power, and the development of machine tools. It also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal. -
Period: to
American Revolution
Revoultion that took place between 1765 and 1783 during which the ThirteenColonies broke away from the British and formed an independent nation -
jose maria morelos
Mexican Roman Catholic priest and revolutionary rebel leader who led the Mexican War of Independence movement, assuming its leadership after the execution of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla -
Napoleon Bonaparte
French military and political leader who rose to power near the end of the french revoultion. He won the majority of his battles and seized control of most of continental Europe in a quest for personal power and to spread the ideals of the French Revolution. He is oftened considered one of the greatest commanders of all time. -
The Wealth of Nations
The greatest work of Adam Smith that discusses economics and how nations are able to acquire wealth -
Declartion of Independence
The official documnent that announced the 13 American colonies were breaking away from Great Britiain to become their own soveriegn nation. Written by Thomas Jefferson -
USA indep.
Steam Engine
a heat engine that performs mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. It inventnion led to the use of machinery in the Industrial revoultion. It also led to transportation advancements -
Simon Bolivar
Latin American Military and Political Leader. He led Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia to independence from the Spanish Empire -
Jose de san martin
Argentine general and leader of the southern part of South America's successful struggle for independence from the Spanish Empire -
American Consitution
Document that states the rights of all americans. It describes the political structure as well as state to people relations and relationships between the states and the gov. -
First Estate
The branch of the Estates general that represented the clergy. -
Second Estate
Branch of the French Estates General that represented the aristocracy -
most famous and influential political club in the development of the French Revolution. They took power during the terror of france -
Esates General
A french legislative body that served as an advisory to the king. It had 3 estates, each represented the classes of french citizens. -
Period: to
French Revoution
social and political upheaval in France from 1789 to 1799. It marked the decline of powerful monarchies and churches and the rise of democracy and nationalism. Brought on by the financial crisis in combination with the lavish lifestlye of aristocrats during the crisis and a food shortage -
The national assembly
assembly formed by the representatives of the Third Estate of the Estates-General.This was caused by the 3rd estates lack of power in the General Estates -
Declaration of the rights on man and citizen
document that defines the individual rights of all the estates and the ights of man are universal and valid at all times and in every place. It became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by law -
Bastille Day
French National Day commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution with the Storming of the Bastille, -
Period: to
Haitan Revoultion
slave revolt in the French colony of Saint-Domingue which created the Republic of Haiti. The Haitian Revolution was the only slave revolt which led to the founding of a state and it is generally considered the most successful slave rebellion ever -
executed device used for beheading. It was heavily used in france during the time of the revoultion. -
Committee on public safety
interm government during the reign of terror in the french revoultion. It protected the newly established republic against foreign attacks and internal rebellion -
A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
written by the 18th-century British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, is one of the earliest works of feminist philosophy. -
bank of france
10-15 banks supported napoeleon during his rise to power. As a reward he allowed them to monopolize the banking system in france under the bank of france -
Cottage industry
industry where the creation of products and services is home-based, rather than factory-based. The good were not mass produced and were more specialized -
Haiti indep.
Napoleonic Code
French civil code established under Napoléon that said privileges were based on birth. It allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs should go to the most qualified -
columbia indep.
Mexico indep
chile indep
paraguay indep
venezula indep
argentina indep
Karl Marx
German philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist that wrote the communist manifesto. -
Peru indep
ecudor indep
brazil indep
bolivia indep
uruguay indep
economic system developed by karl marx that is structured upon common ownership of the means of production and characterised by the absence of classes, money, and the state -
Communist Manifesto
book written by karl marx that states the struggles of capitalism and the class structure and how communism can change it -
oil that was a hot commodity during the industrial revoultion. It was a very lucrative business and allowed many people like JD rockefeller to prosper from it -
Bessemer Process
first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel . named after its inventor, Henry Bessemer. It was very important during the industrial revoultion as it allowed steel to be made more efficiently -
Electricity was used in the industrial revolution to power machine and was also used to power various other equipment and lighting -
Vladimir Lenin
Russian Communist leader that replaced the russian empire with the Soviet Union. industry and businesses were nationalized, and one party took control of all organizations in all areas of society. -
Period: to
Mexican Revoultion
revoultion in mexico that led to the national revoultionary party , between madero and diaz -
Period: to
Russian Revoultion
series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Russian SFSR. The bolshievik party one the war and russia beczme communist