Unit 4 Visual Timeline

  • The Constitution Act of 1982

    The Constitution Act of 1982
    In 1982, a new constitution was established in Canada, which was significant for the country as Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau believed that a new constitution would help retain Quebec within Canada. A deal was made with all provinces except Quebec in 1981, and the Queen officially signed the Constitution Act in 1982. This was important because it increased Canadian sovereignty and safeguarded everyone's fundamental liberties. The Canadian Charter of Rights was also added to the constitution.
  • The Meech Lake Accord

    The Meech Lake Accord
    The Meech Lake Accord, proposed in 1987 by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, was a constitutional agreement aimed at gaining Quebec's formal acceptance of the Constitution Act of 1982. It meant recognizing Quebec as a separate society funded by federal government. Its significance lies in its attempt to address Quebec's concerns and foster national unity. However, it failed because despite 8 provinces agreeing, the accord was defeated due to decline by N.F and Manitoba. This created tension.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    A crucial moment in history was the fall of the Berlin Wall. It symbolized the reunification of East and West Germany and the symbolic end of the Cold War. This is significant because it symbolizes the victory of liberty and democracy against authoritarianism. By paving the ground for the reunification of Europe and symbolizing the fall of the Iron Curtain, it promoted greater political and economic unity. It also sparked the fall of communist governments throughout Eastern Europe.
  • The Oka Crisis

    The Oka Crisis
    The Kanesatake Mohawk reserve and the municipality of Oka in Quebec, Canada, engaged in a land dispute known as the Oka Crisis in 1990 for 78 days. The town decided to build a golf course over a Mohawk burial ground and customary land. The Oka Crisis' impact on Indigenous rights and land claims in Canada is what gives it its relevance.
  • The Creation of G.S.T

    The Creation of G.S.T
    Canada's Manufacturers' Sales Tax was replaced by The Goods and Services Tax (GST) on January 1, 1991. It simplified, widened, and matched Canada with worldwide standards. Despite initial criticism, the GST has become a key income source, stabilizing and improving the tax system. The GST has helped stabilize and improve Canada's tax structure.
  • The Desert Storm

    The Desert Storm
    After Iraq invaded Kuwait, a multinational coalition, commanded by the US, launched Desert Storm. Lasted until February 28th, 1991. Canada's involvement showed its commitment to global security and determination to fight for peace. It gave Canada a voice in diplomatic negotiations and decision-making, boosting its diplomatic influence. The mission also helped Canada boost its military capabilities and defence readiness.
  • The Collapse of the Soviet Union

    The Collapse of the Soviet Union
    The 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union ended the Cold War and had global effects as the Warshaw pact disbanded. Soviet Mikhail Gorbachev set up reforms that led to end of communism. Economic challenges, nationalist movements, and Baltic republics' independence caused its downfall. After the Soviet Union collapsed, newly independent states like Russia, Ukraine and Belarus became more engaged and international relations entered a new era. 
  • The Charlottetown Accord

    The Charlottetown Accord
    The 1992 Charlottetown Accord was an idea for a new constitution for Canada. It sought to address constitutional concerns, recognize Quebec as a unique society, and give provinces more power. The agreement was rejected in a nationwide referendum in spite of its importance in fostering national unity. It didn't win over a large number of supporters. However, it prompted significant debates and affected later constitutional changes, like acceptance of Indigenous rights in Canada.
  • The Creation of NAFTA

    The Creation of NAFTA
    In 1994, Canada, the US, and Mexico formed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Its main goal was economic integration and trade elimination between the three countries. NAFTA's importance is multifaceted. It expanded commerce and investment between nations, creating economic possibilities and jobs. The agreement modernized trade norms, defined intellectual property standards, and promoted fair competition. It has led to the growth of Canada's economy.
  • The Rwandan Genocide

    The Rwandan Genocide
    Lasting until July 5th, the 1994 Rwandan genocide was a violent mass massacre of Tutsis. 800,000 died in 100 days. Long-standing ethnic and political conflicts exacerbated the genocide. People were massacred, tortured and raped. Canada helped recover from the Rwandan genocide. During the genocide, Canadian General Roméo Dallaire led a UN peacekeeping operation. Canada also helped resettle many Rwandan refugees.
  • The Quebec Referendrum

    The Quebec Referendrum
    In 1995, the Quebec referendum marked a turning point in Canadian history. A vote was conducted in Quebec to determine if the province should become independent. The vote on secession ended with a slim majority of votes, against the separation winning by 0.6%. The impact on Canadian unity and the acknowledgement of Quebec's unique identity inside Canada are what give it relevance. It triggered crucial debates on federalism, bilingualism, and Quebec's rights within Canada.
  • Creation of Nunavut

    Creation of Nunavut
    In Canadian history, the establishment of Nunavut was a momentous occasion. The official establishment of the territory of Nunavut in Canada's eastern Arctic took place in 1999. The Inuit people were granted self-government and more authority over land and resources. The establishment of Nunavut promoted Inuit self-determination and the preservation of their traditional way of life while recognizing and affirming their rights, culture, and unique identity.
  • Nisga'a First Nation Treaty

    Nisga'a First Nation Treaty
    In 2000, the Nisga'a Nation and Canada and British Columbia signed the landmark Nisga'a First Nation Treaty. The treaty guarantees their self-government and acknowledgment of their Northwestern BC region. It gives the Nisga'a control over their land, resources, and governance, financial compensation, and better. The Treaty advances reconciliation, Indigenous rights, and self-determination. It models modern treaty-making in Canada.
  • Canada in Afghanistan

    Canada in Afghanistan
    Canada joined NATO's post-9/11 campaign in Afghanistan in 2001. Canadian forces were mostly in Kandahar. The purpose was to fight terrorism, eliminate the Taliban administration, stabilize Afghanistan, and rebuild it.
    Canada supported development, combat, and Afghan security force training. The mission faced casualties and increased security risks. Canada ceased its combat engagement in 2011 but provided training and humanitarian aid.
  • 9/11

    9/11 was a concerted terrorist operation orchestrated by the organization Al-Qaeda that involved hijacked aircraft that crashed into the twin towers, the Pentagon, and one in Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 individuals were killed, 24 of them Canadians. Canada played a significant part in the aftermath of the tragedy by offering its best support to the U.S. It resulted in stricter security measures, improved counterterrorism initiatives, and legislative adjustments.
  • Same-Sex Marriage

    Same-Sex Marriage
    On July 20, 2005, same-sex marriage became officially legal across the country in Canada after numerous judicial battles and protests. Following the Civil Marriage Act's passage, which gave same-sex couples equal marriage rights, this historic decision was made. A major victory for LGBTQ+ rights and inclusivity was achieved when Canada became one of the first nations to recognize and allow same-sex marriage—4th in the world. 
  • Residential School Apology

    Residential School Apology
    The Canadian government formally apologized for residential schools in 2008. The government apologized through PM Stephen Harper for the permanent harm the residential school system caused Indigenous peoples, particularly children who were forcibly torn from their family, culture, and language. They apologized for past wrongs and began reconciliation with Indigenous communities. It was crucial to acknowledging and healing from the residential school system and a big milestone for Canada.
  • The Vancouver Olympics

    The Vancouver Olympics
    The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, featured athletes from all around the world who competed in ice hockey, figure skating, skiing, and snowboarding, which attracted worldwide interest. With outstanding performances by athletes like Alexandre Bilodeau, who won Canada's first-ever Olympic gold on home soil, Canadian athletes had exceptional success, earning the most gold medals at a single Winter Olympics. The Olympics ended on February 28th.
  • Canada and Syrian Refugees

    Canada and Syrian Refugees
    In 2015, Canada began the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Program in response to the Syrian civil war and refugee crisis. Canada promised 25,000 Syrian refugees under this scheme. The government collaborated with settlement agencies and private sponsors to ensure these families' safe arrival. To help refugees resettle, the program provided housing, healthcare, language instruction, and employment support. Canada's welcome of Syrian refugees was praised worldwide and showed the country's empathy.
  • Tragically Hip's Last Concert

    Tragically Hip's Last Concert
    On August, 2016, The Tragically Hip performed their final show in Kingston, Ontario, where they were born and raised. The rock group, which has been around since 1983, announced the tour after learning lead vocalist Gord Downie had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. The concert was a powerfully memorable experience. Millions of Canadians tuned in to see it live as it was televised everywhere. For Canadians, the tour and the concert's finale had a profound cultural and emotional impact.