Unit 3 Key terms

  • Urbanization

    the process of making an area more urban
  • Political Machines

    a political organization in which an authoritative boss or small group commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses, who receive rewards for their efforts
  • Manifest Destiny

    belief that the expansion of the U.S. throughout the American continents.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Played a big role in women's suffrage movement
  • Homestead Act

    encouraged Western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of public land.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew led the expansion of steel in the 19th century
  • Civil Service Reform

    stablished that positions within the federal government should be awarded on the basis of merit instead of political affiliation.
  • Jane Addams

    She was the "mother" of social work.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    He was an American orator and politician
  • Eugene V. Debs

    he was a socialist party candidate for U.S. president five times
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    26th president of the U.S.
  • 16th Amendment

    this amendment allowed the U.S. government to collect an income tax from all Americans
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    the use of a country's financial power to extend is international influence
  • 17th Amendment

    Established the popular election of United States Senators by the people of the states.
  • Populism & Progressivism

    Populism is means the masses and Progressivism is for the rich and elite.
  • Clarence Darrow

    he mostly known for being a leader for the American Civil Liberties Union
  • Upton Sinclair

    He won Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
  • Ida B. Wells

    she was one the early leaders of the civil rights movement