Unit 3 Key Terms

  • Industrealization

    The Industrial Revolution was of great importance to the economic development of the United States.
  • Indian Removal

    Indian Removal
    This act let the president grant unsettled lands west of Mississippi in exchange for indian lands.Some tribes went peacefully, but many resisted being relocated.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    This was the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    The Homestead Act of 1862 provided that any adult citizen who headed a family could qualify for a grant of 160 acres of public land by paying a small registration fee and living on the land continuously for five years.
  • Urbanization

    It is called urbanization when populations of people grow, the population of a place may spill over from city to nearby areas. Maybe tall apartment buildings spring up on what had been the outskirts of town, bringing more people there to live and work.
  • Gilded Age

    Gilded Age
    the gilded age was when there was, Rapid economic growth generated vast wealth and New products and technologies improved middle-class quality of life. Industrial workers and farmers did not share in the new prosperity, working long hours in dangerous conditions for low pay.
  • Civil Service Reform

    Civil Service Reform
    Was a U.S. Federal law and was enacted in 1883 and established the positions within the Federal Government should be awarded on the basis of merit.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    On May 4, 1886, a labor protest rally near Chicago's Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police. At least eight people died as a result of the violence that day.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    the Act broke up previous land settlements given to Native Americans in the form of reservations and separated them into smaller, separate parcels of land to live on.
  • Populism & Progressivism

    Populism & Progressivism
    Both were based on the peoples dissatisfaction with government and its inability to deal in addressing the problems of the day. The supporters of both these movements had become especially outraged that moneyed special interest groups controlled government, and that the people had no ability to break this control.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    He electrified the democratic convention with his stirring "Cross of Gold" speech and that helped him get the presidential nomination.
  • Political Machines

    Political Machines
    A political machine is a political organization in which an authoritative boss or small group commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses, who receive rewards for their efforts.
  • Muckraker

    This is meaning one who inquires into and publishes scandal allegations of corruption among political and business.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    the pure food and drug act is a United States federal law that provided federal inspection of meat products and forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products and poisonous patent medicines.
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    the use of a country's financial power to extend its international influence.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    Allows congress to levy and collect taxes on income.
  • 17th Amedment

    17th Amedment
    Requires direct election of senators
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    The Federal Reserve Act intended to establish a form of economic stability in the United States through the introduction of the Central Bank, which would be in charge of monetary policy.
  • Third Parties Politics

    Third Parties Politics
    This is a party for the votes that failed to outpoll either its two strongest rivals.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Prohibits the making,transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Guarantees suffrage to woman
  • Suffrage

    It was the right to vote in political elections.
  • Tea Pot Dome Scandal

    Tea Pot Dome Scandal
    teapot dome scandal was surrounding the secret leasing of federal oil reserves by the secretary of the interior, Albert Bacon Fall. After President Harding transferred supervision of the naval oil-reserve lands from the navy to the Department of the Interior in 1921.
  • Nativism

    This was a policy favoring native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants.
  • Immigration & the American Dream

    Immigration & the American Dream
    Immigrants and Americans thought the American dream was "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth" that is why there were so many immigrants moving to the US