Unit 3 key terms

  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
    All indians had to move and be more like white people or they would be killed. Was signed by Andrew jackson
  • Period: to

    Andrew Carnegie

    American Scottish industrialist. Led the expansion of American steel industry in the late 19th century and is identified as one of the richest people
  • Manifest Destiny

    people focused on the 3 g's. Gold, Glory, God
  • Nativism

    the political position of status for certai inhabitants of a nation as compared to newcomers or immigrants.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    woman right advocate, and also led the National American Women Suffrage Association
  • Eugene v debts

    Eugene Victor Debs was an American union leader, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World, and five times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States.
  • urbanization and industrialization

    The importance to the economic development of the U.s. the first Industrial Revolution was in Great Britain and Europe during the eighteenth century. urbanization when populations of people grow, the population of a place may spill over from city to nearby areas.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    American settlement and reformer who served as the 26th president of the USA from 1901 to 1909.
  • Jane adams

    was a social activist who fought for womans suffrage and world peace
  • Homestead Act

    Had encouraged west migration by settlers, 160 acres land they were on.
  • Social gospel

    a movement led by a group of liberal Protestant progressives in response to the social problems raised by the rapid industrialization, urbanization, and increasing immigration of the Gilded Age.
  • Upton Sinclair

    wrote almost 100 books and other this, some of his books was made to expose certain unlawful things that were allowed in the country. This rose alot of public uproar and made him popular.
  • The Haymarket Riot

    A labor protest rally by Chicago's Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police. Eight or so people died as result of the riot. with basically no evidence against them, eight labor activists were charged in connection with the bombing.
  • The Dawes Act

    Broke up land settlements that was given to Native Americans that were reservations and separated them into smaller, separate small land to live on. Natives had to live apart from their kind and blend into european culture.
  • William jennings bryan

    He was born in Illinois, William became a Nebraska congressman in 1890. He was attending at the 1896 Democratic convention with his Cross of Gold speech that promoted free silver, but was defeated in his bid to become U.S. president by William McKinley.
  • Klondike gold rush

    an event of migration by an estimated 100,000 people prospecting to the Klondike region of north-western Canada in the Yukon region
  • Muckraker

    one who inquires into and publishes scandal and allegations of corruption among political and business leaders
  • Pure food and drug act

    the pure food and drug act is a U.S. federal law that gave people the right to federal inspection of meat products and manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products and poisonous patent medicines.
  • 16th Admendment

    Congress will have power to lay and collect taxes on income without regard to any census or enumeration. There was income tax before the 16th amendment, and it was also during the Civil War.
  • 17th amendment

    The senate of the U.S. could be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people.
  • Federal Reserve act

    was to establish a form of economic stability in the United States through the introduction of the Central Bank.
  • Suffrage

    was the struggle for the right of women to vote and run for office and is part of the overall women’s rights movement
  • 19th amendment

    granted women the right to vote, not allowing any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex.
  • 18th amendment

    didn't allow the manufacture, transportation and sale of intoxicating liquors. it took almost 13 years before the 21st amendment allowed achohol again.
  • Tea pot dome scandel

    surrounded the secret release of federal oil reserves by secretary of the interior Albert Bacon Fall.