Robber Barons(Captains of Industry)19th century
Entrepreneur's(rich) use of ruthless tactics to destroy competition and keep their workers wages low(entrepreneur's forged modern industry economy/contributed to economy) -
Bessemer steel production
Industrial process that made the production of steel more economical.(cheaper and faster) Used air to push out impurities and carbon -
The Gilded Age
The lavish life style(rich had power), entrepreneurs were making things cheaper and better, also made money by paying workers low wages and making work long hours -
Period: to
The Gilded Age
Knights of Labor(Labor Union)
They were not successful until the mid 1880's. The Knights of Labor tried to Unite all American workers in one natural labor union. -
Susan B. Anthony
A reformer who attempted to vote in Rochester, New York, Her reason being she was a citizen; therefore, the 14th amendment gave her the right, but she was denied. Supreme court said women were citizens but could not vote. Symbol for gaining suffrage(right to vote) -
Alexander Graham Bell
A Scottish scientist who Invented the first telephone -
Great Railroad Strike
A strike held by Ohio and Baltimore railroad workers because their wages continued to decrease in a one year time period. They didn't allow trains to go across the track until the amount of reduction was given back(3rd) -
Single room apartment, sometimes w/ only heat or light(slum) -
Haymarket Riot
Started with a peaceful strike for 8 hour days where a bomb was thrown at police and resulted in open fire. 7 police officers died and many civilians were injured, few were killed.(Chicago) -
Samuel Gompers
Ran National federation of different craft union of skilled workers(AFL- American Federation of Labor) -
American Federation of Labor(Labor Union)
Led by Samuel Gompers. It was a national federation of different craft unions of skilled workers(AFL) -
Interstate Commerce Act
Federal law prohibiting unfair practices by railroads, such as charging higher rates for shorter routes(first time congress regulated business in America) -
Theodore Roosevelt
U.S. Civil Service Commissioner. He sought to reform the civil service system to attract the best people. He believed that appointments to federal jobs should be based on merit, not on party views. Free government from corruption and influence of big businesses(New York) Square deal- protect consumer health, increased power of interstate commerce commission ,withheld federal lands from public sale, natural resources -
Jane Addams
A progressive who started settlement houses that provide poor people in crowded neighborhoods child care, nursing service, and english lessons. She lived in hull house with people they were helping. Americanized foreign-born((better class Americans) -
Settlement House
They were the nonpolitically motivated living places for immigrants. The settlement houses were created to teach immigrants the basics of labor while providing them with basic education, recreation activities, and other community needs. First one was the Hull house in Chicago, run by Jane Addams. -
Populism and Progressivism
Progressive- government can better American society
Populism- more say for the people, less corruption(1910) -
Political Machines
Political bosses provide basic services fir immigrants & poor, in exchange for their votes. Used control of city government to make personal fortunes on over priced city contracts. 1890-1945 -
Jacob Riis
A muckraker who wrote "How the Other Half Lies" illuminating the slums that were in New York(over crowded) -
Sherman AntiTrust Act
Federal law stopping monopolies engaging in unfair practices that prevented fair competition. (First federal act interfering with businesses monopolies) -
Andrew Carnegie
Andrew Carnegie took over the steel industry. He bought iron ore fields, coal mines, & ships to mine his own iron ore and ship it to his steel mills in Pennsylvania. Paid worker low wages and worked them long hours, higher than all completion, founded the Carnegie Steel Corporation -
Ida B. Wells
A leading voice in the social reform movement. She organized an anti-lynching(hanging) crusade. -
Homestead Strike
It was Carnegie steel company vs. Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers. Carnegie increased demand for production in order to break up the union and let go everyone. This lead to a battle between all the strikers(10,000 armed) and the guards. Many were injured and few were killed. -
Eugene V. Debbs
president of the American Railway Union. Lead strike for higher wages and won. Ran Chicago Pullman Palace Car Company strike. He was a president candidate 4 different times(Socialist) 1893-1920 -
Period: to
Eugene V. Debbs
1900,1908,1912,1920 -
Pullman Strike
Workers response to pay cuts and fires lead to a strike run by American Railroad Union and shut down railroad system. George Pullman called to government to fix the issues. Effects did not last very long. -
William Jennings Bryan
Ran for president in 1896, 1900, 1908(scared people). Influenced reforms in America such as, department of labor, prohibition(no alcohol), woman suffrage, income tax, election of senator. Was in U.S. congress 1890(debater). Leader of the Free Silver Movement, Cross of Gold speech(against gold bring the only backing), scoped trial/prosecutor -
Klondike Gold Rush
Gold found in Yukon, Canada, near Alaska cause the migration of 100,000 people. (about 1/3 completed the trip) -
Industrial Workers of the World
Allowed unskilled workers to also fight for improvements unlike AFL (Wobblies/IWW)
Leader was William D. Haywood -
Upton Sinclair
Wrote "The Jungle" where he described the unsanitary/abuses practices of the meat-packing industry -
The first progressives. Journalists who wished to take down big businesses, people, and government based on shocking discoveries about them -
Pure Food and Drug Act
Prevention of the manufacturing, sale, transporting of misbranded/poisonous/dangerous/inferior consumable products(1/1/1907) -
Social Gospel
Christian involvement in social issues such as, poverty, racial tension, slums, labour, poverty, etc. -
Dollar Diplomacy
Using diplomacy in order to increase economic power, sales, and spreading American ways. -
Clarence Darrow
Scopes(MONKEY) trial, first to broadcast over national radio(An attorney for minorities, founding director of The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and cofounder of The American Civil Liberties Union.American) also 1890s -
Federal Reserve Act
Act created by congress that formed a national bank to give Americans a more stable, flexible, and protected financial system. -
17th Amendments
Election for U.S. senators, 2 per state, stayed for 6 years in congress -
Initiative, Referendum, Recall
People had input on or pass by legislature(direct vote) and remove people from legislative branch. -
The expansion of industries/businesses(manufacturing) (1870-1916) -
16th Amendments
The 16th amendment allowed the U.S government to collect income tax without having to give part of it to states and the tax couldn't be raised based on U.S. population -
18th Amendments
The 18th amendment made it so businesses could not make, sell, or transport alcohol(prohibition) -
Nativism was the favoring of natives over immigrants or just the hate of immigrants(for the culture difference)/hypocrisy- welcoming but keeping them out -
Tea Pot Dome Scandal
Upon U.S Navy's request the Tea Pot Dome was meant for emergencies only. Warren Harding won a bid based with oilmen money promising them cabinet pick to be in favor of oil. Transfered oil reserve to interior department, rigging the system.(early 1920s) -
19th Amendment
Both genders had the right to vote as long as they were citizens(women suffrage)