Unit 3,Bill of rights and Amendments

  • The Bill of Rights are formed.

    The Bill of Rights are formed.
    These include the 1st, 2nd ,3rd, 4th, 5th ,6th ,7th ,8th, 9th and 10th. Formed Due to the anti-Federalist
  • The 11th Amendment is Made

    The 11th Amendment is Made
    Places Limits on suits against states.
  • 12th Amendment is made

    12th Amendment is made
    Changes in procedure for electing President and Vice-President.
  • 13th Amendment is made

    13th Amendment is made
    It bans Slavery and forced labor but not prison labor.
  • 14th Amendment is made

    14th Amendment is made
    Defines citizenship and process and equal protection of the law.
  • 15th Amendment is made

    15th Amendment is made
    Allows voting to all men regardless of race.
  • 16th Amendment is made

    16th Amendment is made
    Gives the authority to levy an income tax.
  • 17th Amendment is made

    17th Amendment is made
    Establishes the direct election of senators.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Prohibition of Alcohol
  • 19th Amendment is made

    19th Amendment is made
    Women's right to vote.
  • 20th Amendment is made

    20th Amendment is made
    Changes the beginning of Presidential and congressional terms.
  • 21st Amendment is made

    21st Amendment is made
    Repeals Prohibition.
  • 22nd Amendment is made

    22nd Amendment is made
    Establishes a two-term limit for the President.
  • 23rd Amendment is made

    23rd Amendment is made
    Gives residents of Washington D.C the right to vote in national elections.
  • 24th Amendment is made

    24th Amendment is made
    Abolishes the use of poll taxes.
  • 25 Amendment is made

    25 Amendment is made
    Defines the succession of the office of President
  • 26th Amendment is made

    26th Amendment is made
    Lowers the voting age to 18 years old.
  • 27th Amendment

    27th Amendment
    Places limit on congressional pay raises unit the beginning of next term.