Firsts Africans Arrive to Virginia
This event was very unique. Africans were brought to Virginia in Dutch ships, but they were indentured servents. This meaning that after a couple of years they would be set free, and could be come active parts of society. This event is important, because it shows how the society was before slavery became the prevelant source of labor. -
Founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony
This colony was distinct in many ways. It was founded by Puritians, who based their entire societies on their religion, but separated church and state. It did not depend on agriculture as its main source of income. Instead it depended on the sell of furs, fish and lumber. This colony is also different, because the inhabitants believed in the education of everyone, something different than the southern colonies. The founding of this colony maked a change in the history, that was yet to come. -
Pequot War
This war was one of many fought between the natives and settlers. It was fought, because the settlers continued to take native land. This war was fought between the English settlers and the powerful Pequot tribe. This war ended in massacre when the English, helped by Indian allies, set fire to Indian wigwams and shot the fleeing survivors. The war ended the Pequot tribe and undermined four decades of peace between the settlers and indians. -
Bacon's Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon was an elite English man. When he came to the colony of Virginia, he was immediately welcomed into the elite class. He, however, deicded to band a group of the underclass men to kill a group of natives. After killing this group of natives, they went and virtually destroyed the town of Jamestown. -
Founding of Dominion of New England
This organization was imposed to the New Englanders by London. It had all of the New England colonies, and some of the middle colonies. The dominion was set for different reasons. One reason for the dominion was to help protect the colonies, incase of attack by natives. Another reason was to inforce, more strongly the English Navigstion Laws. This dominion was runned by Sir Edmund Andros. The brutal truth was that this dominian was set to embrasses and control the northern colonies, more. -
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials were controversial trials where people, mainly women, were accussed of enacting in the act of witch craft. People were unfairly trialed, and in some cases killed. The cause of these trials is highly debated among historians today. One reason for the trials could have been that men feared the power that women were receiving. Another discussed reason was that the ignorance to disease caused for them to think that people were changing to witches.