Rise of Hitler
Hitler took action because of how the treaty of Versailles punished Germany.
This is significant because even though the treaty was meant to prevent another war, it caused another conflict by creating World War 2.
View this link to Learn more about Hitler. -
Hitler prepares his attack
Germany prepared in oppositionof the treaty. Hitler also studied how the League of Nations would react to his actions.
This is a significant event because it shows that Germany waas still cautious despite their want for revenge.
-Canada's role in this event was to maintain peace and resolve conflicts as part of the League of Nations. -
Germany and Austria formed an alliance.
-Hitler reoccupied the Phineland Territories, a former Germany land. Hitler also convinced Mussolini from Austria to become allies with him.
-This event is significant because it shows Hitler's dedication to make his forces stronger, thus making his victory in war most likely.
View this link to learn more about Mussolini -
Hitler plans an attack on Czechoslovakia
-Hitler planned to take over Czechoslovakia. The French and British did not want to enter another war, so they let him take Sudetenland only.
-This event is significant because it shows the fear of French and Britain about the effects of a war. This includes Canada as they were part of Britain before. -
Hitler conquered most of Europe.
-Hitler did not take Sudetenland but the whole Czechoslovakia.
-WW2 startes as Hitler attacked Poland. Britain, France, and Canada were too late to save it.
-Soviet Union invaded eastern Europe countries and parts of Poland.
-Poland surrendered as well as Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, and France fell to the Nazi war machine.
- This event is significant because it hows how powerful German forces are because of Hitler.
-Canada's role in this event was to try and defend. -
Britain along with Canada fought on their own
-Hitler and Stalin's Russia controlled Europe and Britain prepared for battle along with Canada
-Japan prepared to make its move in the meantime.
- This event is significant because Britain wanted to defend from the attack as the Germans were out of control.
-Canada's role in this event was to aid Britain in defending. Given their win on the Germans during the Vimy Ridge battle, I think that they are confident to seccessfully defend Europe.