Period: 1543 to
Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution introduced the idea that everything should is founded upon logic, not just on God’s word. This fundamental idea inspired enlightenment, which ideas of liberty, equality, and progress were the basis for which the revolution was started. -
Galileo Galilei supports the heliocentric theory
By supporting the idea, and proving to society that it was correct, he strengthened the theory meant that the way the world worked was wrong. Everything needed to be questioned now for society, bring reason to the mind -
Period: to
English Civil War
The wars included King Charles being in conflict with Parliament for government control. It ended in abandoning the idea of divine right and lead the way for reason to rule. -
Hobbes’s Leviathan is published
He presented the idea that humans are at the core selfish being and tried to give a logical reason for absolute authority. And thus giving the foundation for the social contract idea. -
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
The events of the revolution caused the power of the Parliament to be placed next to the monarch, demolishing absolute monarchy and giving away for popular sovereignty. -
Locke’s Two Treatises on Government is published
The book introduced the idea that people were entitled to natural rights and Locke supported a constitutional monarchy in contrast to Hobbes, giving a sort of balance to the belief of social contract -
Period: to
The surge of new ideas gave way for philosophers to come up with ideas like liberty, equality, progress in the creative chaos. These ideas gave motivation to the french people and woke them up to the reality that they are being oppressed. -
Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia
A collection of articles and known as a portrayal of the Enlightenment, and its goal was to change the way people think" and for a more informed people -
Period: to
Louis XVI’s reign
The last king of France and under his rule, the French Revolution began as a result of a violation of rights and enlightenment ideals such as lack of a social contract and natural rights -
Lexington and Concord
Lexington and Concord was a battle that marked the start of the American Revolutionary War, displaying America’s stance against Britain’s monarchy and America’s ideals for liberty. -
Period: to
American Revolution
American Revolution secured the independence of the United States from the rule of Great Britain created the American Constitution, inspiring the Declaration of Rights of Man And Citizen. -
Declaration of Independence
The famous document embodied the ideals of rights to independence, self-determination, and revolution and served as a guide for the constitutions of other countries onwards. -
National Assembly is formed in France
It represented the common people and formed as a result of the lack of representation among the government and created the Declaration of Rights of Man And Citizen, a document that focused on the rights of the people -
Tennis Court Oath
The oath showed the growing unrest against Louis XVI, laid the foundation for later events, including the Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen and the storming of Bastille, ending the Absolute Monarchy. -
Declaration of Rights of Man
A document created by the National Assembly to give the rights of the French people and included all enlightenment ideals into French society and prevented future corrupt monarchies. -
Bill of Rights signed
The Bill of Rights outlined the rights that the government was forbidden from taking from the people, a true example of popular sovereignty -
Legislative Assembly is formed in France
The Assembly paid close attention to political debate and defending the Enlightenment ideals of the people, later replaced by the national convention. -
Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women is published
Her work demanded better treatment for women and dramatic change in the educational system, arguing for equality and that women are capable as much as men but the education system limits them -
Execution of Louis XVI
Executed by guillotine for failure to address financial problems and attempted escape, and a lack of the social contract . -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
More than tens of thousands of people were killed and exercised the opposite of the enlightenment ideals, caused the French to fear radical ideas and swing to the right, led to the third constitution -
Execution of Marrie Antoinette
She was also executed by guillotine for treason nine months after the death of her husband and marked the death of the last queen of France, and the death of a symbol of abuse of authority -
Period: to
Napoleon’s coup
Seen as the end of the french revolution, and gave way for his rule after overthrowing the Directory in France