Unit 2 timeline

By cami:)
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    This is a war between the French against the British while the indians teamd up with the French. This was a war for the ohio river valley. The british beat the French and Indians and going into debt. which caused Britain to tax the people
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    After the intolerable acts, the colonists were obligated to house a soldier from the british army. The governments from the american colonies were forced to provide food, and shelter for the british soldiers. They lived in military housing called barracks. If they didn't fit, they would live in different places such as stables or local inns.the cause was that they again punished boston. The colonists grew furious.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    This event happened in 1765 this is where britain was in debt. This is where britain had to tax all of the people for every piece of documentation or piece of paper. Because of the war with france. The colonists were not happy with this new way of taxing the people and refused to pay. They even started attacking tax collectors.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    This is an act that happened after the stamp act. This was a taxation to pay off the salaries of people such as governors and officials in 1767 and instead of taxing the colonists with paper/ documents. They replaced those taxes with glass, paint, lead, etc this caused a protest against the taxes and the people. This affected the people to lash out in 1770 causing the boston massacre.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    This happened right after the colonists protested against the townshend acts. The boston massacre is when a bunch of British soldiers fired guns at the colonists. The patriots were furious and attacked the British with snowballs and ice.
  • The boston Tea party

    The boston Tea party
    This is an event that happened in 1773 caused by the tea act. The colonists didn't like the tea act. They decided to dress up as indians and throw millions of dollars worth of tea out into the harbor this was to protest against british parliaments tax on tea. They closed down the harbor causing people to lose their jobs this event is called the intolerable acts.
  • The Tea Acts

    The Tea Acts
    This was a deed signed by britain to help reduce the amount of tea held in the british East indies company and to help the company gain more profit and expand the companys monopoly.It was created to replace the money of taxes and pay with the tea to not affect the american coloniesThe colonists werent as happy as expected so decided to take matter into their own hands,they dressed up as indians to aboard the ships filled with tea and dump out into the boston harbor.Creating the boston tea party.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    A set of laws allowed by the british parliament. They punished massachusetts for their actions of the boston tea party and closed the harbor which stopped the entrance of shipping and trade, lots of people lost their jobs from the closing of the harbor. The soldiers were able to live in a colonists house with them having to provide food and clothing for it.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The Battle of Bunker Hill
    This was a battle during the early years of the american revolutionary war. This was a war against britain and the Americans. They both met up a the top of bunker hill the leader of the Britains said ̈Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!¨ he would say since they had little gunpowder. The colonists would shoot every time britians got close eventually they ran out of gunpowder. The colonists declared victory because they killed lots of britains