Galileo Galilei supports the heliocentric theory
This had many people rethink how Earth and Space were created and that it was not just the gods or angels. This had also made people realize that the church was not always telling the truth with factual evidence. This had also led to many discoveries that changed people's understanding of the world. -
Period: 1543 to
Scientific Revolution (start to end)
During the Scientific Revolution, there was a transformation in people's scientific ideas that changed their view of the world. This period of time also changed the way people thought--and not just believing what the church had told them. They did their own thinking, using reason and logic to make certain statements or decisions. This also contradicted with what the church has said because they argued with them. -
Period: 1551 to
Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia
This was known as a very influential and spreading of progressive thinking which eventually led to the french revolution and enlightened period. -
Period: to
English Civil War (start to end)
Since England already had a limited minarchy it inspired the radicals to look at them for inspiration for France. -
Hobbe's Leviathan is published
This was written during the English Civil War and it had argued for a social contract and rule through a absolute sovereignty. He had believed that everyone was evil by nature so a government was important in order to keep the people safe and under control. -
Period: to
Enlightenment (start to end)
The Enlightenment was a period of time when it inspired people to start thinking about the cause and reason and this changed many people's political identities. Thes idea caused many people to rethink their role in the government and realize the importance of the government was supposed to protect them--Defualism showed that this was not shown at all, and the Enlightenment showed people that government should also represent everyone. -
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
This established the parliament in England which represented a shift for an absolute monarchy to a limited and constitutional monarchy this was important because this is what France wanted. -
Locke's Two Treaties on Government is published
This was written by one of the many Enlightenment thinkers--and in his book, he says that the people are free by nature (or when they are born) and they are equal. Many enlightenment thinkers began to publish books similar to this showing that the way people thought was changing. -
Lexington and Concord
This is what started the American Revolution because it was at the beginning and prior to the start of the Revolution. It had also put France in debt because they were very much involved with the American Revolution. -
Period: to
American Revolution (start to end)
The American Revolution had inspired France to start a revolution of their own and caused France to go into debt which led to their economic crisis and since King Louis XVI was helping the Americans he had not realized that there was much damage doner to France financially. -
Declaration of Independence
The colonies from America had been set free from England's control and they had listed their ideal and goals for the nation and explaining why they wanted to be free from all these problems. The French people had also used this as an inspiration. -
Execution of Marrie Antoinette
She was declared to end absolute monarchy in France, as she was executed for Treason, and she attempted to escape with King Louis XVI but only made problems worse. She also spent a lot of France's money on herself without thinking. -
Period: to
Louis XVI’s reign (start to end)
King Louis was crowned king at a very young age and he was not fully prepared to take on such a role and his young wife did not know her role in the France monarchy either--the two of them spend money on unnecessary things, and during his reign, there was a huge brought resulting in hunger amount many people including the third estate. This is another reason of how France's economic crisis started. -
National Assembly is formed in France
The National assembly had played a big role in the French Revolution which is because they represented many people of France (the Third Estate), as they demanded the king to make economic reforms and ensuring the people would have food to eat. -
Declaration of Rights of Man
It was passed by France's National Constituent Assembly of 1789 and it was a document created to the French Revolution which granted civil rights to those in the French population. -
Execution of Louis XVI
This had ended the absolute monarchy in France and it was also executing from treason. Louis had failed to address and fix France's finical problems and his escape made things worse. -
Tennis Court Oath
The purpose of the Tennis Court oath was to promise and make a vow to create a constitution in France and it had laid the foundation of many events prior to this such as the Declaration of the Rights of Man and The Storming of Bastille. It had also stated that the national assembly would stay in the tennis court until the new constitution was finished. -
Legislative Assembly is formed in France
The Legislative Assembly replaced the National assembly and it had been formed under the new and updated (changed) Constitution with Louis XVI ruling, however, these people struggled to make reforms. -
Bill of Rights signed
The Bill of Rights created the first 10 amendments to the Constitution which also created the american's rights in relation to government and this guaranteed civil rights ad liberties to each individual. -
Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women is published
Women were excluded from the Declaration of Rights of Man--they were furious and this ended up resonating in feminism and human rights movements/ This showed that women should not be treated differently from the other gender and that they are more than wives and mothers. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror (start to end)
This government ended up killing King Louis XVI which showed Rfrance that a radical leader was not needed and this caused France to create a new form of government, the leader Robsepiere ended up ruling more like a dictator and killed anyone who he thought would maybe bring troubles. -
Napoleon’s coup
This ended up overthrowing the directory and the event which was viewed as the ending of the french revolution which made his France's leading political figure.