Our Changing World between 1929 and 1945

  • Workers: Unemployment

    Workers: Unemployment
    After the first world war when the stockpiles started to grow, the production slowed, and the banks wanted to be repaid, it was the start of one of the worst economic downturns in history. Workers started to get laid off in mass amounts because companies had huge bankruptcies. and around 25% of Canadians were laid off. The government did try to help the citizens with things like Relief camps and trying to create more jobs, yet many men and women went homeless, sleeping outside and starving
  • Continuity in Workers Unemployment

    Continuity in Workers Unemployment
    Over the years workers' unemployment continued for the bad, the government implemented "circuit breakers" to limit the trading on the stock market, the government started to create incentive programs to keep the economy flowing. And over the next years, there were few jobs to be fulfilled and mostly labour work was being done until WWII came to be.
  • Women: Limited Jobs

    Women: Limited Jobs
    During The Great Depression women in Canada faced sexist discrimination and were discouraged from working, This discrimination allowed men to have more jobs in the workforce. Many women also faced frequent currency with domestic violence. Women would be treated as an "anger toy" and their husbands would take out their anger on them due to employment issues and hard times at work. Campaigns against hiring married women were also common, but female employment ultimately increased later on.
  • Continuity in Women Limited Jobs

    After/ During WWI women still continued to have limited jobs, women had to be independent and were trying to make large efforts to contribute on the homefront, whether that be helping with manufacturing or other jobs. Yet when the soldiers came back from war more men needed jobs, women were again not noticed and had now been more likely to be victims of domestic violence from their husbands who were financially struggling from limited jobs.
  • Farmers: The Dust Bowl

    Farmers: The Dust Bowl
    While The Great Depression was in play, there was a massive drought in the prairies, This caused huge dust storms to form. These dust storms were named the dust bowl, which is how this significant event got its name. This drought caused huge swarms of grasshoppers to fly through farms and eat everything in the eyesight. This left farmers with blank farms and unable to replant anything due to the droughts. All farmers were then forced to leave their farms behind and find other ways to make money.
  • Change in Farmers and The Dust Bowl

    The great depression is now over and there are no major droughts in Canada, as well as no huge dust storms, this makes for a great change in the dust bowl. With newly updated equipment farmers now have better machinery making for better performance and there are no huge storms of grasshoppers flying around and eating everything around them. Everything from the dust bowl before causing depleted farms, dead crops and animals has now changed drastically and farmers are now successful in their work
  • Workers: Relief Camps

    Workers: Relief Camps
    Relief Camps were created in order to help and supply unemployed single Canadian men, predominantly men who can't get a job and are in desperate need of food, clothing, medical attention and other necessary supplies during The Great Depression. These Relief camps would fill these men's days with manual labour in order for basic necessities.
  • Workers: Relief Camps (2)

    Workers: Relief Camps (2)
    Many people weren't pleased by the thought or creation of relief camps and would attack the government for the reason that, they didn't make a program that would pay reasonable wages for work and instead created relief camps. These attacks on the government from citizens ended up leading to the Regina Riot.
  • Change in Workers Relief Camp

    Relief camps were a reasonable way of keeping men from starving. The reason for It being a selective group is because only men were eligible to join Relief camps. After the great depression ended, Relief camps received great change, Relief camps slowly casted away and jobs were now paying reasonably, citizens were content with the pay, many men also had jobs. Families started to have money flow again, Farms opened up along with Factories because war jobs took care of the 17 million unemployed.
  • Change in Women WWII Workplace

    Women received great change after WWI and WWII, now women now work very similar to the same amount that men do, compared to before where they couldn't work at all. This is because the women proved to everyone that in both WWI and WWII they can withhold "manly" jobs and keep standards high. The women still get paid fewer but it is still a huge change compared to how much money they were missing out on during WWI and WWII due to a lack of respect
  • Farmers: WWII Increase in production

    When WWII began the demand for food grew heavily. This is because the soldiers could only fight if they had nutrition(food). During this time the government had created a new program for multiple countries to bring their goods together and transport them on supply boats. This made Canadian farmers began to produce a lot more food which is their biggest way of making money. Fewer farms were in service because a lot of them went to war, but this helped other farms expand.
  • Change in Farmers WWII Increase in production

    After WWII had ended, the farms were now bigger and increased in size and mass, this was a big change for farming production Before farmers had a small demand for food but when the war came into play their demand grew. Farmers were producing mass amounts and were constantly selling food and so on around the world. WWII really helped farmers improve their land and increase their income.
  • Women: WWII Workplace

    Women: WWII Workplace
    During WWII, with all the men gone off to fight overseas in WWII, new jobs started to open up, and lots of men left leaving more job opportunities. Women found this an opening to now be able to work and took advantage of these opportunities. Women were paid less than men for doing the same work but still help out a lot during the war. After the end of WWII when all the men came back, women were encouraged to leave the workforce and to give the jobs back to the men.