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Unit 2 Summative

  • The beginning of the Depression

    The beginning of the Depression
    In late 1929, the stock market crashed and caused the whole world to experience crisis. There was extreme debt, and this was the hardest time employed men had experienced. It was a major decline, because the government had to provide food stamps and welfare for 30% of the homeless and unemployed men. It was also a decline, because the Great Depression caused the rise of fascism and gave Hitler and Mussolini the opportunity to gain power and dominate several countries.
  • Holocaust Begins After Nazis Become In Power In Germany

    Holocaust Begins After Nazis Become In Power In Germany
    The holocaust was one of the biggest declines during this timeline because of how serious it was. It was a serious decline, because Canada refused to take in refugees that were Jewish, which forced them to go back to Europe where 6,000,000 innocent Jews were murdered
  • On to Ottawa Trek and Regina Riot

    On to Ottawa Trek and Regina Riot
    This was an event from 1933 to 1935 which lead to the Regina Riot. This event in British Columbia and the West was caused by the government trying to control people by putting them in camps, and thousands of workers moved by train to the East to find jobs. Then in Alberta in 1935, the Regina Riot Started from unions protesting for what they want. The government thought this was the rise of a communism so they attacked them with violence. This was a major decline because nothing was gained.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    This event was a cause to world war II starting because France and Britain were guaranteeing that Poland's borders were secure, so France and Britain declared war on Germany. I think this was rather a decline than progress, because Canada did not have a strong army and was not ready. But going to war was a progress for the economy, because there were a lot of jobs created.
  • M.S St.Louis

    M.S St.Louis
    The M.S St.Louis was a tragic part of Canadian history, because it caused the holocaust to happen. Jewish people were trying to flea and seek refuge from the Nazis, so they traveled on boat to Cuba, but they were unsuccessful. Then, the next place they went was Canada. However, the government was very racist at this time and they would not allow one single Jewish person. Overall, this was a big decline because the refugees were sent back to Europe where the holocaust then happened.
  • Battle Of Hong Kong

    Battle Of Hong Kong
    Canada was sent overseas to Hong Kong.The battle was a decline, because Canada got demolished by Japanese. Also, they only fought to support Britain. This was a waste, because they lost 2 thousand good soldiers and a few nurses and doctors. Overall, Canada gained absolutely notching out of this, and they only lost soldiers and medical care.
  • Internment Of Japanese People

    Internment Of Japanese People
    This was a hard time. Not many people could be trusted, and an example of this is the Japanese. All Japanese people were sent out of Canada, even though more than half of the 23,000 people were Canadian and not Japanese. All of their belongings were auctioned off by the government and families were separated to prevent spies. This was a decline, because in 1988 Prime Minister Brian Mulroney announced that the government had to pay for the damage they caused which was tens of millions of dollars.
  • D-Day

    I think that D-Day was the biggest progress throughout this whole timeline, because Canada was at such a disadvantage when they approached the Germans at the shores, when the Germans had bunkers and more fire power, but Canada still defeated them. This gained Canada back that independence and respect from other countries. So overall, D-Day was a big progress during this time.