Unit 2 Social Studies Portfolio

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus reached the Americas

    Christopher Columbus reached the Americas
    Christopher Columbus sailed from west looking for a better way to get to the Indies. He took 3 ships, The Nina, The Pinta and The Santa Maria. He discovered new land.
  • Oct 15, 1512

    Spanish take the first first African slaves into Hispaniola

    Spanish take the first first African slaves into Hispaniola
    The Spanish brought African slaves to Hispaniola to take the place of the people that were dying from being overworked and diseses.
  • Nov 8, 1519

    Cortez arrives in Tecnochtitlan

    Cortez arrives in Tecnochtitlan
    Hernando Cortes had been in Mexico for 9 months before he got to Tenochitian, he went there to take over the land and claim it for Spain.
  • Nov 1, 1521

    Cortes defeats the Aztecs

    Cortes defeats the Aztecs
    Cortes only had an army of 500 men so he was greatly outnumbered. He did have allies and advantages, even if they were just a few.
  • Oct 15, 1527

    Bartolome de las Casas argues enslavement of Native Americans

    Bartolome de las Casas argues enslavement of Native Americans
    Bartolome de Las Casas was a preist that did not believe that Native Americans should be slaves because they are lead to live very hard lives.
  • Oct 15, 1535

    Pizzarro founds a new capital in Lima, Peru, after defeating the Incas.

    Pizzarro founds a new capital in Lima, Peru, after defeating the Incas.
    Lima was the Spanish capital of the region.
  • John White retuns to the Roanoke settlement to find the colony has disappeared

    John White retuns to the Roanoke settlement to find the colony has disappeared
    When John White was finally able to get back to Island in 1590 there was no one there, It is unknown where eveyone went and because of that it is known as "The Lost Colony"
  • The English Found Jamestown

    The English Found Jamestown
    120 Colonist on 3 ships made it to the east coast of VIrgina. They went up a river that they named The James River after KIng James. When they found an area that looked easy to defend they settled there and called it Jamestown.
  • Champlain founds Quebec

    Champlain founds Quebec
    In spring of 1608 Champlain led 32 men into Quebec to claim it and settle there in order to establish a fur trading center. Through the harsh winter only 9 of the 32 men survved but the next summer more men came.
  • House of Burgesses Formed

    House of Burgesses Formed
    The first law -making assembly in and English Colony. The house was the start of self-government in the colonies.
  • The Pilgrims arrive at Plymoth

    The Pilgrims arrive at Plymoth
    The ship he Mayflower was packed with 100 pilgrims headed to Virginia. The ship got pushed off course in a storm and they landed at Cape Cod in New England. The pilgrams settled on a rocky harbor and named it Plymouth.
  • Mathias de Sousa, an indentured servant of African descent, arrives in Maryland aboud the Ark.

    Mathias de Sousa, an indentured servant of African descent, arrives in Maryland aboud the Ark.
    Mathias de Sousa was the only African American to serve in colonial Maryland legislature. He was also was only one of 9 of the indentued servents that was on the Ark that arrived in St Mary’s City, St Clements Island, Maryland.
  • William Penn establishes Pennsylvania

    William Penn establishes Pennsylvania
    King Charles owed money to William Penn's father and as repayment Penn asked for land. With this land he created a colony that he named Pennsylania that he said was a "holy experiment". He said that people from all nations and regions could live together in peace.
  • President Lincoln declares Thanksgiving a national holiday

    President Lincoln declares Thanksgiving a national holiday
    President Lincoln announced on October 3,1863 that in gratitude for the victory at Gettysburg, that the 4th Thursday in November would be a national holiday of Thanksgiving.
  • Georgia, the 13th English Colony is founded

    Georgia, the 13th English Colony is founded
    Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe in order for people that owded money to go and start new lives. Georgia was the last of the 13 colonies. Georgia also helped protect the other colonies from attacks from the Spanish.