Unit 2: Political Participation Timeline Assignment

  • Second great awakening

    Time of revival in the newly formed nation of America. The number of Christians in England and the frontier greatly increased. Pushed the idea of individual salvation and free will over predestination. Spread religion quickly.
  • Abolitionist movement

    Was an effort to end slavery in a nation that valued personal freedom and believed “all men are created equal.” Eventually brought an end to slavery altogether changing American ways.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Developed a historic document, the 'Declaration of Sentiments, which demanded equal social status and legal rights for women, including the right to vote. Helped the women suffrage movement.
  • Freedman's Bureau

    Established in 1865 by Congress to help former black slaves and poor whites in the South in the aftermath of the U.S. Civil War
  • Underground Railroad

    A network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early-to-mid 19th century, and used by African-American slaves to escape into free lands.
  • Great Railroad Strike

    Began on July 14 in Martinsburg, West Virginia, United States after the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad cut wages for the third time in a year.
  • American Federation of Labor

    A national federation of labor unions in the United States founded in Columbus, Ohio, in December 1886 by an alliance of craft unions disaffected from the Knights of Labor, a national labor association. Was an umbrella organization for other unions.
  • Progressive Era

    A period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States, from the 1890s to the 1920s. The main objectives of the Progressive movement were eliminating problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and corruption in government.
  • National Women's Suffrage Association

    Created by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton when the women’s rights movement split into two groups over the issue of suffrage for African American men. The NWSA gave priority to securing women the right to vote, and the group often stirred public debate through its reform proposals on a number of social issues, including marriage and divorce.
  • Peoples Party (Populists)

    An agrarian-populist political party in the United States inn the years between 1892–96 playing a major role as a left-wing force in American politics. Consisted of ranchers, farmers, etc. who were under increasing pressure from lack of resources and money and unsubstantial pay to keep going.
  • Pullman Strike

    A widespread railroad strike and boycott that disrupted rail traffic in the Midwest of the United States in June–July 1894. The federal government’s response to the unrest marked the first time that an injunction was used to break a strike. On June 28, President Grover Cleveland and Congress created a national holiday, Labor Day.