Sep 18, 1295
Marco Polo returns to Europe.
Marco Polo returns to Europe. -
Sep 18, 1400
Spain becomes united, in the late 1400
Sep 18, 1488
Dias rounds Southern tip of Africa
Sep 18, 1492
Columbus land in the Bahamas
Sep 18, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas between Spain and Portugal
Sep 18, 1498
Da Gama reaches India Cabot explores northeastern coast of America for England
Sep 18, 1513
Balboa claims all lands touched by the Pacific Ocean
Period: Sep 18, 1513 to Sep 18, 1521
Ponce de León explores Florida
Sep 18, 1519
Cortés conquers Mexico for Spain
Period: Sep 18, 1519 to Sep 18, 1521
Cortés conquers Mexico for Spain
Sep 18, 1521
Cortés conquers of Mexico ends
Sep 18, 1522
Magellan's vessel completers circumnavigation of the world
Sep 18, 1524
Verrazano explores eastern seaboard of North America for France
Sep 18, 1532
Pizarro crushes Incas
Sep 18, 1539
De Soto explores the Sutheast and discovers the Mississippi River
Period: Sep 18, 1539 to Sep 18, 1542
DE Soto explores present-day Southwest
Period: Sep 18, 1540 to Sep 18, 1542
Coronado explores present-day Southwest
Sep 18, 1542
Cabrllo explores California coast for Spain
Sep 19, 1558
Elizabeth I became queen of England
Sep 18, 1565
Spanish build fortress at St. Augustine
Period: Sep 19, 1565 to
English crush Irish uprising
Sep 19, 1577
Drake circumnavigates the globe
Raleigh founds "lost colony" at Roanoke Island
Enngland defeats Spanish Armada
Iroquois Confederacy founded, according to Iroquois lengend
Period: to
Spanish under Oñate conquer Pueblo peoples of Rio Grande valley
James I became king of England
Spain and England sign peace treaty
Virginia colony founded at Jamestown
Spanish found New Mexico
Rolfe perfects tobacco culture in Virginia
First Anglo-Powhatan War ends
First Africans arrive in Jamestown Virginia House of Burgesses established
Virginia becaoes royal colony
Maryland colony founded
Large-scale slave-labor system established in English West Indies
Second Anglo-Powhatan War
Act of Toleration in Maryland Charles I beheaded; Vromwell rules England
Charles II restored to English throne
Barbados slave code adopted
Carolina colony created
Popé's Rebellion in New Mexico
French expedition down Mississippi River under La Salle
Period: to
Tuscarora War in North Carolina
North Carolina formally separates from South Carolina
Period: to
Yamasee War in South Carolina
Georgia colony founded
Serra founds first California mission, at San Diego