Unit 2 Activity 7 1914-1929 Timeline

  • War Measures Act

    War Measures Act
    This gave the Canadian Government more power during times of war, invasion and insurrection. It was put in place to ensure Canada's safety but at the same time. This led to mass arrests and detentions without charges or trials.This shows a time period of both progression and decline due to the fact that people were being arrested for their own political beliefs. (-1) (Social and Political Change)
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    Trench Warefare was an important factor in Canada capturing Vimy Ridge. It lasted four years but we were trained enough for it, it helped us improve on our armies and weapons to where other highly develpoed countries had aswell. (+2) (Social Change)
  • Period: to

    Battle of Ypres

    The Battle of Ypres was a major decline for Canada. It was the first battle where poison gas was used. Over 6,500 Canadian soldiers were either killed, wounded or captured. This was important for Canada because it showed that we needed to come out better and stronger next time and be one step ahead of everyone else to avoid losing so many soldiers. (-1) (Social Change)
  • Jeremiah Jones

    Jeremiah Jones
    Jerimiah Jones was a Black Canadian Soldier who fought in WW1. Jones was 1 of the 16 black soldiers who were accepted into the 106th Battalion. This showed great racial acceptance and progress for Canada at the time. (+2) (Political change) (People)
  • Period: to

    Battle of Vimy Ridge

    This was the first time in Canadian history that all 4 Canadian divisions fought together in battle. It is our most celebrated military victory and it is often a mythologized symbol of the birth of Canadian national pride and awareness. Even though we lost 3,598 soldiers it showed great progress for Canada, (+1) (Social Change)
  • Conscription

    Conscription didn't show progress for Canada due to the fact that it took away the rights of the Canadian people to decide if they wanted to enlist in the army or not. It was nessescary at the time for us to be able to have enough soldiers for war but at the same time it took away a right that we are thankful to have today. (0) (Social Change)
  • Women gain the right to vote

    Women gain the right to vote
    This made a huge impact in the economic and political standpoint in Canada. Women could now vote, have property rights and made the 19th amendment. This shows progress for Canada, to show that Women don't belong as stay at home moms and housewives. Voting was the first step for trying to end sexism.
    (+2) ( Social and Economic Change) (People)
  • Period: to

    The 100 Days

    Canada's 100 days is a name given to the series of attacks made by the Canadian Corps that lasted 100 days, this was during the offensive. It is significant to us because of how long it lasted and how many of our men died in the fields. 6,800 died and more than 39,000 were wounded. This came at a high price but in the end made history. I see decline in this from death but lots of progress because we broke through the German defences.
    (+1) (Social Change).
  • Period: to

    Winnipeg General Strike

    The Winnipeg Strike was definetely not a proud time in Canada. This strike became the platform for future labour reforms. There was a great number of unemployment and inflation, dismal wages and working conditions were horrible, and the sucess of the Russian Revolution contributed to this. This strike ended in alot of bloodshed and arrests but in the end helped us develope a stronger labour movement.
    (-1) (Economic and Social Change)
  • Women are now "persons"

    Women are now "persons"
    This was a day that made great history in Canada. Women were finally labelled as people now. This happened when Alberta Women: Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Irene Parlby, Louis McKinney, and Henrietta Muir Edwards fought a legal and political battle to have women recognized as persons under the British North America Act.
    This shows great political and social change for Canada.
    (Social and Political Change) (People)