Unit 2

  • 13 Colonies

    The 13 colonies were founded in the 17th and 18th century. They would later for the United States
  • Jamestown

    The first permanent English settlement in the New World. Most of the colonist died from the harsh winters they weren't used to or starvation.
  • Tobacco

    John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia which quickly became a cash crop
  • John Smith and the Powhatan

    John Smith was able to make good relations and trade with the Powhatan people
  • House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses was the first legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was signed by Pilgrim who were seeking religious freedoms. They believed signing the compact was the first act in self governing.
  • The Navigation Acts

    The Navigation Acts
    Several acts passed by the English Parliament to regulate colonial trade. The items were believed to be for the British and only the British which enforced their goal of mercantillism.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    It was an armed rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of William Berkeley. The people who were fighting with him were mainly indentured servants who were promised a certain amount of land but weren't given what they were promised.
  • The First Great Awakening

    The First Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening was this series of revivals which pushed many Americans to convert to Christianity. Johnathan Edwards was one of the most influential people during this time.
  • Molasses Act

    The British taxed molasses, sugar, and rum from non-English colonies in order to control their commerce.
  • French & Indian War (Seven Year War)

    French & Indian War (Seven Year War)
    Caused conflict within the colonies which lead to different groups like loyalist and patriots.