
Unit 1:French and Indian War

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus "Discovers" America

    Columbus "Discovers" America
    Columbus sailed three ships to North America where he had later... kicked out all of the indians.
  • Jamestown Colony created

    Jamestown Colony created
    Jamestown was one of the first English settlements in the United States. Jamestown was one of the most successful attempts out of many failed ones.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Created

    Massachusetts Bay Colony Created
    The English Puritans found Massachusetts Bay Colony on this date. Most of the English purtians were wealthy and educated.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    New Amsterdam becomes New York
    New Amsterdam gave English control in 1664, then the Dutch and English lived peacefully together from that time on.
  • Albany Congress Meets

    Albany Congress Meets
    Benjamin Franklin was part of the delegate for Pennsylvania there for he would write the Albany Plan of Union.
  • George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne
    The fort duquesne was part of of a large group with 6,000 people. In November the French withdrew with the Ohio valley and British controls.
  • The French and Indian War Concludes

    The French and Indian War Concludes
    The French and Indian war became known as the seven years of war. Great Britian had Native American allies.