Roosevelt defeats Hoover for Presidency.
Bank Holiday.
Federal Security Act.
United States recognizes Soviet Union.
Emergency Baning relief.
Beer and wine Revenue Act.
FDR torpedoes London Economic Conference.
The Hundred Days Congress enacts AAA, TVA, HOLC, NRA, and PWA.
Twenty First Amendment.
FDR declares Good Neightbor policy toward Latin America.
Glass-Steagall Banking System.
FHA established.
Indian Reorganization Act.
Tydings-McDuffie Act provides for Philippines independence on July 4, 1946.
WPA established.
Mussolini invades Ethiopia.
Social Security Act
CIO organized.
Public Utility Holding Company Act.
SOil COnservation and Domestic Allotment.
Roosevelt defeats Landon for Presidency.
USHA established.
Roosevelt announces "Court-packing" plan.
Second AAA.
Fair Labor Standards Act
Reorganization Act
Fall of France
Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, and Belgium.
United States invokes first peace draft.
Hitler attacks Soviet Union.
U.S. declares war on Japan.
Germany declares war on U.S.
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor.
Atlantic Charter.
Japanese AMericans sent to internment camps.
United States invades North Africa
Japan conquers the Phillipines
Battle of Norway
Servicemen's Readjustment Act (GI Bill)
Roosevelt defeats Dewey for Presidency.
Bretton Woods economic conference.
Spock publishes "The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care."
United States ends lend-lease to USSR
Roosevelt dies; Truman assumes precidency.
Yalta Conference
Germany surrenders.
United Nations established.
Japan surrenders.
Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Nuremburg war crimes trials in Germany.
Kennan's "Long Telegram" lays out "Containment Doctrine."
Employment Act creates Council of Economic Advisers.
Iran Crisis
Truman Doctrine.
Marshall Plan
National Security Act creates Department of Defense, National Security Counsil (NSC), and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Taft-Harley Act
Tokyo war crimes trials.
United States officiolly recognizes Israel "Voice of America" begins radio broadcasts behind iron curtain.
Hiss case begins.
Truman defeats Dewey for presidency.
Berlin Crisis.
Communists defeat Nationalists in China.
NATO established.
American economy begins postwar growth.
McCarthy red hunt begins.
McCarran Internal Security Bill passed by Congress over Truman's veto.
Korean War (1950-1953)
Truman fores McArthur
Rosenbergs convicted of treason.
United States explodes first hydrogen bomb.