unit 11

  • Period: to

    unit introduction

    In this unit, we will examine the many different types of cyber security attacks, the vulnerabilities
    that exist in networked systems . We will investigate the techniques used to assess risks and ways of planning
    to deal with the results of a cyber security incident and recover systems following an incident.
  • Period: to


    Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of technical language, security threats, system
    vulnerabilities and security protection methods, and implications resulting from successful threats
  • Period: to


    Apply knowledge and understanding of security threats, system vulnerabilities and security
    protection methods and implications in order to risk assess systems and select appropriate tools to
    secure them
  • Period: to


    Analyse forensic evidence data and information to identify security breaches and manage
    security incidents
  • Period: to


    Evaluate protection methods and security documentation to make reasoned judgements and
    draw conclusions about their efficacy
  • Period: to


    Be able to plan a secure computer network and manage security incidents with appropriate