John Trumbull Sr.
John Trumbull Sr. served as governer of in both a pre-revolutionry colony and a post-revolution state. He was the only colonial governer to take up the rebel cause. -
John Witherspoon
Signatory of the United States Decleration of independence. Representative of New Jersey. -
John Hancock
Served as the President of the Second continental congress. Also served as the frst and thrid governer of Massachusetts -
Charles Crroll
Wealthy Maryland planter and an early advocate of the independence from Great Britain. -
John Jay
Founding Father of the United States of America. Signer of the treaty of Paris. First chief justice of the united states. -
Benjamin Rush
Founding father of the United states of America. Civic leader in Philedelphia. He was a physician -
John Peter Muhlenburg
Continental army soldier during the American revolutionary war. Political figure during the newly formed United States. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was written on July 4th, 1776. Wrote by Thomas Jefferson. Contained all the reasons why they wanted to leave Britain and it contained a formal decleration of war. -
U.S Constitution
The U.SS Constitution was created on September 17, 1789. James Maddison wrote the model from which the constitution was written. Many of the founding fathers were present at the constitutional convention. -
Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights is the name given to the first ten amendments of the constitution. Originally only applied to the federal government, but they were eventually applied to state government. The Bill of Rights was ratified on December 15, 1791. -
Fifth Amendment
Can't be charged for the same crime twice. Cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process. -
Alex de Tocqueville
French political thinker and historian famouse for his works Democracy in America and The old Regime and the Revolution. -
In God We Trust
The Motto "In god we trust" was put on coins because of the large religious movement duing the civil war. -
El Pluribus Unum
Out of Many, One. United States Motto -
Eminent Domain
The Right of government or its agent to exprpriate private property for public use with payment or compensation.