Union Timeline

  • Civil War

    Civil War
    After the Civil War, the cost of living increased as wages decreased. Workers knowing this was unfair soon began to form unions. Also, after the war, slaves were free but still under a lot of discrimination. Unions faught against all unfair treatment.
  • Great Southwest Railroad Strike

    Great Southwest Railroad Strike
    The need for railroads was expanding, which meant the for more cheap laborers. The employees worked in conditions that were not ideal. Their union decided to go on strike, but lacked support of other workers and unions. Even though the strike failed, it paved the way for union members.
  • World War I

    World War I
    During World War I, women workers became more common. As women joined the work force, they also joined unions. This lead to more women lead unions.
  • Steel Strike of 1919

    Steel Strike of 1919
    Steel workers had poor working conditions and long hours. The strike closed almost half of the steel industry. There were concerns about the community and the strike failed. After the strike, unions were not aloud in the steel industry for about 15 years.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    During the Great Depression, people were in need of jobs. However, the jobs weren't always fair and had low pay. Unions became very popular at this time.
  • Wagner Act

    Wagner Act
    Guaranteed workers the right to form unions and collaborate with fellow works. It gave some power back to the workers instead of the business controlling everything. Unions were able to grow and strive.
  • World War II

    World War II
    During World War II, industrialization was growing in america. The economy was also getting better. This lead to the slow decline in popularity of unions.
  • Taft-Hartley Act

    Taft-Hartley Act
    The Taft-Hartley Act restricted the power and activity of unions. This keep employers from forcing workers to join unions. The number of unions decreased.
  • Landrum-Griffin Act

    Landrum-Griffin Act
    The Landrum-Griffen Act protected employees from unfair practices with in the union. It was a way to regulate the internal affairs of unions. It changed the structure within unions.