Industrial Revolution
The industrial revolution was when animal power was swapped for machines. This was the time for creation, great inventions came out of this. The movement started in Britain and moved throughout the world. This gave birth to unions where their needed to get paid what they deserve. -
The Labor Movement
The Labor Movement was a revolution with great numbers in immigration. It sparked the first strike over wages. This brought on the time of a large amount of unskilled labor, strikes, unions and ideas -
Homestead Strike
The homestead strike was when Andrew Carnegie and his staff owned a steel forgery. When Carnegie wanted to lower everyones wages to boost profit the workers went on strike. The workers guarded the town. Unions were needed to try to solve this dispute and let production continue. When Carneigie's chairman Henry Frick was going to send a agency in word spread and when the men were arriving they were shot and surrenderd. -
Anthracite strike
The strike was due to the wages being low for coal mining and immigrants coming in to meet the low pay. John Mitchell ,became president of United Mine Workers, tried to reason with the coal mining company but they refused so he banded the immigrants together and went on strike. The strike was arbitrated after President Theodore Roosevelt intervenes. -
Bread and Roses Strike
This strike was caused by mill worker wages being cut. The strike, during the first week, made up of 14,000 workers just walking right off the job. The strike ended by the management going to jail. -
Ludlow Massacre
Coal miners in Colorado striked. They were evicted from their company owned homes and set up towns on public land. When the coal mining company hired gang members to shoot up the towns the bullets set the whole town ablaze killing 19 people. Unions were needed to put a stop to the murder and to stop striking. -
National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
This act made it a right of workers to form unions and to bargain with the employers. This act was made due to courts issuing a injunction, or a court order to stop strikes. Unions were a part of this due to the need of a group with everyones benefits in mind and fighting for them. This act increased the need for unions for planning strikes and bargaining -
The Fair Labor Standards Act
This act introduced minimum wage so people were making more money and the need for union declined. This act also made the amount of hours someone could work in a week would be 44 hours this means people worked less so the union wasn't needed as much. The final thing this act did was it banned oppressive child labor this stopped the need for unions because noone had to worry about their children. -
World War II
World War II was what brought america out of the great depression. America was struggling with keeping everyone out of poverty. Unions were needed to get every cent someone was owed. When World War II started unions were less needed due to everyone getting paid better. -
CIvil RIghts Act
This banned descrimination, during employment, due to sex, race, religion, or national origin. This made the unions for minorties less needed due to equal rights in the workplace. This was due to all of the immigrants who were unskilled and were minorites.