Union timeline

  • Railway Strike of 1877

    Railway Strike of 1877
    1877 a strike against the Baltimore & Ohio railroad ignites a series of strikes across the northeast. violence and disturbances that follow result in Federal troops being called out for the first time in a labor dispute.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    A labor rally at the Haymarket Square in Chicago, called in support of the eight-hour day, erupts into chaos when an unknown party tosses a bomb at police, who then fire into the crowd.
  • Gompers Founds AFL

    Gompers Founds AFL
    In the wake of the Haymarket incident, labor organizer Samuel Gompers sets up the American Federation of Labor (AFL), a collection of trade unions that will play a major role in the labor movement throughout the century to come.
  • Battle of cripple creek

    Battle of cripple creek
    century ago, Cripple Creek was famous for important, dramatic battles where workers fought to win their rights.It all began in 1894. Cripple Creek had become a boom town after gold was discovered
  • Wal-Mart Strike

    Wal-Mart Strike
    2006, 200 employees from a Florida Wal-Mart stood outside in protest of unfair working conditions, ranging from belittled wages to cut hours. Wal-Mart has long be perceived as an anti-personnel juggernaut, donning a deceptive “smiley face” logo, in spite of what appears on the employees’ faces.
  • General Motors Strike

    General Motors Strike
    September 24 to 26, about 73,000 auto workers in the United Auto Workers Union raised their wrenches defiantly against General Motors, with concerns of compensation, benefits, job stability and company investment complaints of the usual sort.
  • South Africa Miners Strike

    South Africa Miners Strike
    one-day strike on December 4th, 2007; the entirety of the mining industry went on strike against the unsafe conditions of working in a mine.
  • UK Postal Strike

    UK Postal Strike
    Tens of millions of items were not delivered from the Summer of 2009 to the Spring of 2010, due to picketing postal workers.The strike was agreed upon after Royal Mail failed to disclose how modernization plans would affect workers’ job security