Historical Event #1
Three workers in Dorset were sentenced to death for extorting money and two workers were sentenced to death for robbery by one of the Special Commissions sent by the Whig Ministry to suppress insurgent workers. Fifty-five workers in Norwich were convicted of "machine breaking and rioting" by one of the Special Commissions sent by the Whig Ministry to suppress insurgent workers. -
Historical Event #2
Carpenters, masons, and stone-cutters began a strike as part of the Ten-Hour Movement among skilled workers. They drafted a strike circular in Boston outlining their demands and seeking assistance from other tradespeople. Wherever this circular was distributed, a strike in favor of the ten-hour workday erupted. The 1835 Philadelphia general strike, in which workers successfully struck for shorter working hours and higher wages, was influenced by the Boston circular. -
First Nationwide Strike/Railroad Strike
Federal troops broke the strike, workers for Baltimore and Ohio Railroad workers caused property distruction in several cities
The cause was to cut wages and increases work days -
Haymarket Riot Strike
When the Haymarket Riot Riot happened, it wa in Chicago on May 4th, 1886. People were protesting poliece brutalit against labor strikes.
-The cause was because they wanted an 8hr. work day
-8 poliece diedwhen someone threw a bomb
-8 labor activist were convicted with lack of evidence -
The Homestead strike
A Carnegie steal plat cut workers wages Events: Henry Frick (partnes of Carnegie) brought in pinketons which were privet police force who broke up strikes. It lasted two weeks and the Pinktons killed several people and anarchist tried to assionate Frick and they called off the strike
Effects: Steal worke Unions lost power through the country , strikewa apart of an epidemic of stree workers and miners strikes s economic depression spread -
Pullman Strike
Cause: Pullman Palace car company laid of workers an reduced wages by %25
Events: Grove Cleveland sent in federal troops and endng this strike
Debs was imprisoned for conspiring aganst interstate commece -
Historical Event #3
11 May – 10 July 1894 (United States)Pullman Strike: A nation-wide strike against the Pullman Company begins with a wildcat walkout on May 11th after wages are drastically reduced. On July 5th, the 1892 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago's Jackson Park was set ablaze, and seven buildings were burned to the ground. -
The Norris LaGuardia Act
The Norris-LaGuardia Act is one of the initial federal labor laws in favor of organized labor. It was enacted in 1932 to provide that contracts that limit an employee's right to join a Labor Union are unlawful. -
Fair Labor Standards Act
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 is a federal statute of the United States. The FLSA(Fair Labor Standards Act) introduced the forty-hour work week, established a national minimum wage, guaranteed "time-and-a-half" for overtime in certain jobs, and prohibited most employment of minors in "oppressive child labor", a term that is defined in the statute. -
Right-To-Work Law