Union Timeline

  • Railway Strike of 1877

    Railway Strike of 1877
    A strike against the Baltimore and Ohio railway ignites a series of strikes in the northeast. The strikes led to federal troops being dispached for the first time in a labor dispute. The strikes revealed the deep conflict between employer and employee at the time.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    Sherman Anti-Trust Act
    The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed by congress intending to block business monopolies. This act greatly affected and was greatly used effectively against employers that were against unions.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    A lockout at a steel mill turns violent as 300 pinkerton detectives arrive on scene on a barge. The barge was set fire by the picketers and violence sues as the pinkertons and piketers fought. With only miniscule casualties during the action.
  • Anti-Labor Injuction

    Anti-Labor Injuction
    A Federal court issues the first injustion against unions under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. This injuction hands employers and managers a legal weapon against unions.
  • Pullman Strike

    Pullman Strike
    Union workers walk out of the factory of the Pullman Company in Pullman, Illinios. Because of the paternalistic treatment that the company was giving to workers. The strike will eventually end in total defeat and workers will return to work.
  • Wright Brothers First Flight

    Wright Brothers First Flight
    The Wright Brothers successfully launched thier first "airplane" in 1903. This affects laborors and their unions by the increased demand and productivity in the construction of these airplanes. Which would eventually lead to labor unions in that field of labor.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    A fire broke out on the top florrs of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. Firefighters could not reach the workers on the upper floors and many of them jumped to their deaths or burned to death. The tragic event led to many people pushing for workers rights and safety unions.
  • Emily Davison Throws Herself Under The Kings Horse

    Emily Davison Throws Herself Under The Kings Horse
    Emily Davidson was a militant activist that fought for womans sufferage in Britain. She threw herself under her kings horse in defiance to the kings neglectivity to womans sufferage in Britain. This affects labor unions in the US becuase women would find more motiation to get up and do something about the problems with womans labor laws and unions.
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    Violence broke out in a strike that miners held in Ludlow, Colorado. In response, national guard machine gunners killed the striking miners and set fire to their tents. 75 people including women and children were killed in the dispute.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    In 1929 the stock market crashed sending America into the great depression. This event sends laborors and unions to a rock in a hard place because of the minimum job opportunities and low wages with dangerous work. Sending many people looking for work and also working to picket and riot due to their work conditions.
  • The Wagner Act

    The Wagner Act
    The law safeguards union organizing efforts and authorizes the National Labor Relations Board to assure fairness in union elections. This new law tilts in the labor unions direction at this point.