Union Timeline

  • civil war

    civil war
    manufacturing increased
    popularity in unions dropped
    Samuel Gompers
  • cigar makers strike

    cigar makers strike
    ten thousand walked out
    wanted better wages shorter hours and btter working conditions
    cigar makers international union
  • homestead strike

    homestead strike
    industria lockout and strike.
    occured at the homestead steel works.
    private ageants hired.
  • the newboys strike

    the newboys strike
    strike lasted two weeks
    reduced circulation of news paper form 360,00 to 125,00
    the strike was successful giving newsboys more pay
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    1,200 coal miners on strike.
    two dozen people including wives and children where killed.
    attaked by the Colorado National Gaurd.
  • yellow-dog contracts

    yellow-dog contracts
    contract between employer and employee saying that they can not join a union.
    they were outlawed in 1932 under the Norris- La Guardia Act.
    workers would have to sign these in order to get the job.
  • the great depression

    the great depression
    stock market crash ( black Tuesday)
    unemployment rate 25%
    no unions because you couldn't get any better was barely any jobs to start with.
  • world war II

    world war II
    made unions decline in popularity
    more activity from labor unions
    work dropped to 35%
  • injuntions

    a court order that prevents them from proceeding with their actions.
    stopped employees from going on strike.
    stopped them from going to work.