
  • lowell women movement

    lowell women movement
    In the 1830's the women of Lowell mill went on strike. during the strike they entered into the political feiled ( all before women gained suferage). the women won there fight and earned the first female union in American history
  • Washerwomen Stike

    Washerwomen Stike
    around 20 years after the end of the civil war and the end of slavery african american women were tired of being disrespected in the work place. So during the summer of 1881 they went on strike for wages, respect for thier work and on how it was organized. they ended up getting their way after almost casuing the whole city of Atlanta to close down
  • The Battlle for Cripple Creek

    The Battlle for Cripple Creek
    Cripple Creek, Col was the town born on the gold rush. it had around 150 mines located in city limits, and one day the mine owners wanted to increase the work day to 9 or 10 hours with no increase pay, in return the miners went on strike. In responce the owners hired a small army that quickly retreated.
  • The Clayton Act

    The Clayton Act
    The Clayton Act was enabled to protect organized labor. it was passed to help clarify labor's position under the untitrust laws.
  • US enters WWI

    US enters WWI
    as the US enters WWI the need for the union drops becasue of the amount of jobs that are readily avalible. during the war unions were almost nonexistent.
  • Railway Labor Act

    Railway Labor Act
    alowed for employees to bargin and stop discrimintaion against unions.it orignaly applied only to interstate railway workers. however in 1936 it was modiffied to help airline pilots that flew interstate flights.
  • David-Bacon Act

    David-Bacon Act
    required the federal government to specify minumum wage on contracts. however this only applies to contrats that are for the federal government
  • Nerw Deals

    Nerw Deals
    the New Deals were designed to help pull the US out of the depresion they were in. they cut money from the military and added it to public works projects that created new jobs.
  • US gets out of great depresion

    US gets out of great depresion
    When Japan attacked the US at Pearl it aloud for the US to finish pulling itself out of the great deprsion. Giving people more jobs and a pride to fight americans either went into the service or factory.
  • Great Postal Strike

    Great Postal Strike
    during 1970 the US postsal service went on strike for better wages and for more time off and other benfits. however the laws that were supposed to be protected under the David-Bacon act were not enforced. however when the mail was not running and was at a stand still Nixon had to give in to the demands if the postal workers
  • UPS worker strike

    UPS worker strike
    looking for increased wages and full time employment and pension plans, 185,000 UPS employees went on stike. The UPS works gained haevy support from the puplic. eventualy all their demands were met