Napoleon Creates the Rhine Confederation
Napoleon's invasions in the early 1800s changed many territorial boundaries, including those of Germany. He eradicated the Holy Roman Empire and reorganized the German stated into the Rhine Confederation. Not all Germans welcomed his new changes and they began to call for a unified German state. Napoleon had some positive changes as well, such as kiboshing serfdom and abolished laws against Jews. -
Congress of Vienna
The congress of Cienna decided to create the German Confederation (a weak alliance headed by Austria). At first no one wanted to unify Germany because that would require overthrowing the government of each individual German state. The congress also changed the boundaries of Austria, France, and Prussia (all countries that later effect the unification of Germany). -
Bismark becomes Chancellor
Otto von Bismark came from the Junker class of Prussia, which was the landowning, traditional nobility. He was a diplomat of Prussia in France and Russia. King William I made him the Prime minister or Prussia. In the next ten years he was promoted to Chancellor, which is the highest position in a monarch. -
"Blood and Iron"
Bismark followed a policy of Realpolitick- meaning that his policies were based on the realistic needs of the state, over principles. Much like Utilitarianism, he focused on waht would be most useful for everyone to make Prussia stronger. His goals was to maintain power and unifiy Germany under Prussian rule, bringing more power to the Hohenzollerns. He also worked to strengthen the army, with money from any source, and then followed an agressive foreign policy. -
Prussia and Austria Against Denmark
Otto von Bismark was quick to make an alliance with Austria, after being made chancellor or Prussia. Together they invaded small provinces in Denmark, Holstein and Schleswig, liberating them both and sharing the gain. -
Prussia Turns on Austrian Alliance
Bismark devised an excuse to attack Austria, ending the alliance. The war lasted seven weeks and ended in a Prussian Victory. Otto von Bismark also annexed many southern German states creating a new confederation commanded by Prussia. Austria and several other German states remained independant from Prussia and Bismark. To persue conquering Austria would have been a risky war that might not have ended well for Prussia. -
Defeat of France
There was a growing rivalry between Napolean III and BIsmarck. France was angered by Prussia's victories and Napoleon III hoped that winning a war would mask French problems. Bismarck then attempted to provoke a war with France in 1870 by re-writing a telegram that insulted the French ambassador. Prussias forces were superior to Frances and Napoleon III was forced to surrender. For the rest of his term, Bismarck worked to keep France weak. -
Social and Economic growth under Bismarck
The new German Empire flourished economically. It had the natural resources of coal and iron needed to industrialize. The population was also growing, and a new educated and disciplined workforce provided the country with the industrial workers needed to set the standards throughout Europe. Many railroads had already been built throughtout Germany in the 1850's and 1860's and steel, weapons, and optics industries all flourished. Germany also supported scientifict research and innovation. -
New Consitution
The Southern German and Northern German States persuaded William I to the title of Kaiser, or emperor. This marks the beginning of the birth of the second Reich, or empire. Bismarck drafted a new constitiution for the empire with a two house legislature, but real power remained in the hands of the nobles because appointed officals could veto decisions made by elected officals. -
Kulturkampf campaign
Otto von Bismark was a lutherin and had a great distrust for Catholics. Unfortunatly for him, thirty three percent of the German population was catholic. Bismark initiated the "battle for civilization" to force Catholics to put their loyalty to the state above that to the pope. He made laws to have the state supervise all Catholic education ana appions priests. These moves against the church angered its followers and Bismark was forced to repeal his campaign. -
Bismarck works against Socialists
Bismarck feared that Socialist parties would undermine loyalty of the German workers and turn them towards Revolution. To prevent this, he passed laws that shut down their newspapaers and ban their meetings. This backfired on him, so he attempted to keep workers loyal by protecting them with health insurance and retirement beneifits. This made Germany a pioneer in soical reform, and probably prevented a revolution even as Socialism remained popular. -
New Kasier in Germany
William II became the new kasier of germany, adn as his first order of business, he asked Otto von Bismark to step down from his position. William II believed that he had the devine right to rule and that he should be the only ruler at the time. His new from of government had social welfare programs that were quite popular amoung the people. The new Kasier spent vast ammounts of funds on military efforts. This nationalism and military agression built up tensions, leading to WW1.