
Underground To Canada

By amall
  • chapter 1

    chapter 1
    it is early June and everyone at the Hensens plantation is very tensed. the slaves will be sold as masa hensen is sick and his work is not going well, so he sells the plantation.
  • chapter 2

    the slaves are being sold. the sims, who is an ugly, fat and nasty man has come to buy the slaves. aall of them are very upset because they are being seperated from parents and children. julily, lester ben and adam are bought too.
  • chapter 3

    when they are on there way, the see a free black boy. julily acts like a mother and takes care of the kids and acts like their caretaker. she gets more independant.
  • chapter 4

    still movng to deep south.julilly helps Adam, Ben And Lester. they are very hungry and thirsty. very long jourey andhot day.
  • chapter 5

    they get into the plantation, its beautiful from the front, but at the back its very ugly. dlaves are running around.Liza welcomes Julilly.
  • chapter 6

    Liza helps Julily. she tells her about the living conditions, rules and regulations at R.P. Jullilly helps liza pick cotton. both of them talk about Canada and want to escape.
  • chapter 7

    Coming of Mr Alexander Ross. he was from canada, seemed like a good ma, and said he was a bird watcher.
  • chapter 9

    all of them get a chance to speak to mr ross/ he wants to help those who want to run away
  • chapter 8

    He choses adam and lester to help him. he tells them about canada & wants to help free the slaves.