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U2A8 Evolution of the Internet Timeline

  • Who created first wide-area network (WAN)?

    Who created first wide-area network (WAN)?
    The first known WAN was created by the U.S. Air Force in the late 1950s
  • Who created Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and when?

    Who created Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) and when?
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower, February 7, 1958
  • What pioneer is responsible for packet-switching concept?

    What pioneer is responsible for packet-switching concept?
    Paul Baran 1962
  • What was the first virus? When was it created?

    What was the first virus? When was it created?
    the Creeper program, was created in 1971 by Bob Thomas
  • When was Apple founded?

    When was Apple founded?
    April 1, 1976, Los Altos, CA
  • When does IBM launch the personal computer

    When does IBM launch the personal computer
    August 1981
  • Who used the first emoticon -)

    Who used the first emoticon -)
    scientist Scott E. Fahlman
    September 19, 1982
  • What year was the Internet invented? By whom?

    What year was the Internet invented? By whom?
    January 1, 1983, Sir Tim Berners-Lee
  • When was the first worm created and what was the name?

    When was the first worm created and what was the name?
    The Morris worm or Internet worm of November 2, 1988
  • Who introduces the World Wide Web by whom?

    Who introduces the World Wide Web by whom?
    Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989
  • When was the Michelangelo virus created?

    When was the Michelangelo virus created?
    The Michelangelo virus is a computer virus first discovered on 4 February 1991 in Australia.
  • .When was the Mosaic web browser launched?

    .When was the Mosaic web browser launched?
    September 1993
  • When was Yahoo founded?

    When was Yahoo founded?
    January 1994, Sunnyvale, CA
  • Amazon and eBay was founded when?

    Amazon and eBay was founded when?
    July 5, 1994, Bellevue, WA, September 3, 1995, San Jose, CA
  • .When was Internet Explorer launched? By whom?

    .When was Internet Explorer launched? By whom?
    August 16, 1995 Thomas Reardon
  • .When was the modem invented and by whom?

    .When was the modem invented and by whom?
    Dennis C. Hayes invented the personal computer modem in 1977
  • When does AOL launch instant messenger?

    When does AOL launch instant messenger?
    Introduced in 1997
  • When was Google founded?

    When was Google founded?
    September 4, 1998, Menlo Park, CA
  • When did Apple launch iTunes and Safari browsers?

    When did Apple launch iTunes and Safari browsers?
    January 7, 2003,
  • Who bought Skype and when?

    Who bought Skype and when?
    Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn,29 August 2003
  • When was Facebook launched? By whom?

    When was Facebook launched? By whom?
    February 2004, Mark Zuckerberg
  • What was the first mobile virus and when was it created?

    What was the first mobile virus and when was it created?
    June 2004
  • When was YouTube launched and by whom?

    When was YouTube launched and by whom?
    February 14, 2005,Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim
  • When does Apple launch the iPhone?

    When does Apple launch the iPhone?
    9January 2007
  • When was Instagram and Pinterest launched?

    When was Instagram and Pinterest launched?
    October 6, 2010, January 2010