H.R.10538 - 93rd Congress
This Act allowed for job training that is provided in English and the dominant language that they speak. This also provided the resources and training necessary for proper job training. -
S.2552 - 93rd Congress
Bilingual Education Reform Act - Designates 35 percent of all appropriations in excess of $35 million for bilingual teacher training programs.
Defines "bilingual education program." Requires that a bilingual education program make provision for the voluntary enrollment, of children whose language is English, in order that they may learn the language and cultural heritage of the children of limited English-speaking ability for whom the particular program of bilingual education is designed.
(LOC) -
S.1539-Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments
This addresses many different fields for bilingual education. One allows for more money to be spent within the field of Bilingual Education. Sets forth procedures and criteria for the making of special grants to State and local educational agencies. Provides funds to local educational agencies for compensatory programs for educationally deprived children, including handicapped, migratory, delinquent, and Indian children. (LOC) -
H.R.9419 - 95th Congress
Amends the Bilingual Education Act to authorize the participation of children whose primary language is English in bilingual education programs under such Act. (LOC) -
H.R.11371 - Bilingual Education Act Amendments
Bilingual Education Act Amendments - Revises the Bilingual Education Act to extend the general authorization for appropriations under such Act to 1981. Provides special provisions for Puerto Rico regarding use and distribution of funds under such Act. Directs the Commissioner of Education to conduct a study of the need for compensatory English proficiency programs in Puerto Rico.
(LOC) -
H.R.4538 - 99th Congress
Bilingual Education Act Amendments of 1986 - Amends the Bilingual Education Act (the Act) to add to the statement of policy the declaration that, regardless of the method of instruction, programs which serve children of limited English proficiency have the equally important goals of developing both academic achievement and English proficiency. -
H.R.3229 - 103rd Congress
Title I: Education Improvement - Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to make limited-English-proficient (LEP) children eligible under the ESEA title I program for disadvantaged children.
Title II: Revises how money is distributed for the state to include LEP students and developing linguistically assessment instruments
Title III: Bilingual Education - Revises ESEA title VII, which is the Bilingual Education Act, and extends the authorization of appropriations. -
"This thing, written entirely in English, is unconstitutional"
This document was associated in Bilingual Education Development within California. Forms part of Herbert L Block Collection (LOC). The editorial cartoon was hinted towards the fact that the constitution is written entirely in English as the US is a mixture of languages -
Unilingual Versus Bilingual Education System a Political Economy Analysis
Under a unilingual system the demographics of those schools are primarily that language culture within the school. the bilingual schools provides and opportunity for students that are unilingual to learn another language throughout their school career -
H.Res.690 - 114th Congress
Recognizes April as National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month :)