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U.S. Intervention
Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabians have first contact with American missionary doctors in Bahrain.
SaudiArabia have first contact with American missionary doctors in Bahrain. -
Saudi Arabia: Founder of Saudi Arabia asked Americans for help in finding oil.
Saudi Arabia: American searches for recources
Saudi Arabia: Arab/American oil company starts work
Syria: Cia backs Coup to oust the elected government
Iran: Cia ba ks a coup to oust the leader ossa Degh
Iran: Iranian oil is privitized with Britan and the US in control
Syria: US attempst to block the merger of Egypt and Syria
Iraq: The US starts helping Kurdish Rebels in opposition to Soviet friendly regime in Iraq.
Iraq: US helps a coup in iraq to help get rid of communist influences.
Iraq: US supports Kurdish Rebels uprising again in iraq, to strengthen iran.
Iraq: US stops help with Iraqi Kurds after Iraq and Iran stop fighting.
Iran: Iranian hostage hostage. 16 americans are held hostage for 15 months.
Iraq: ran Iraq start fighting and us is officially neutral
Iran: US is caught selling weapons to fund anti-communists
Iraq: Iraq launches large chemical weapons at Kurdish minority while the us continues to support Iraqi Government
Iran: Us shoots down Iranian jet
US led a coallition invade Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait
Iran: U.S. renews trade ban
Iraq: U.S. continues to fund anti-Saddam Hussein fighters in Iraq
Saudi Arabia: 9/11 attacks in NYC, 17/19 hijackers were Saudis cauding damage to the relationship between S.A. & U.S.
Iran/Iraq: President Bush identified Iran/Iraq as axis of evil.
Iran: earthquake kills 50,000 people; U.s. supplies direct aid
Iraq: U.S. invades Iraq in order to get rid of wmds, weapons of mass destruction. continues to fight for 8 years.
Iraq: President Bush says he’s going to foster democracy in every nation and culture after Iraq's first saddam election.
Iran: president sends letter to president bush asking to open a dialogue; Bush gives no response
Iraq: U.S. combat troops leave Iraq
Syria: President Obama proposes strike on Syria after use of chemical weapons.