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U.S. Histroy 1865-2003

  • Appomattox

    Appomattox is were Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant.
    This ended the Civil War and began the Reconstruction Era.
  • Period: to


  • The Reconstruction

    The Reconstruction
    The Reconstruction Era began in 1865 and ended 1877. During this time salvery was abolished, the Constituiton was ratified, and citizens gained the right to vote. The Jim Crow Laws, which were laws of segregation that discrimintaed African Americans, were also past.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution was a time of economic growth. Railroads made the economy boom. Ten million immigrants also came to America.
  • The Spanish-American War

    The Spanish-American War
    The Spanish-American War was a conflict between Spain and the United States in the late 1800's. The fighting occured in Cuba. The Rough Riders led by Theodore Roosevelt helped the United States win the War.
  • Acquisition of Hawaii

    Acquisition of Hawaii
    When Hawaii was aquirred from the United States it was used as a cooling station for the Great White Fleet. This acquisition helped the United States begin to show the rest of the world their naval dominance.
  • World War One

    World War One
    World War I was the War of Firsts. The United States wanted to remain nuetral in the War, but when the United States recieved the Zimmerman telegraph they declared War on Germany in 1917. This war went on to cause World War II.
  • Creation of the Panama Canal

    Creation of the Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal was built to help connect the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean. This helped the Unites States show the world their naval dominance.
  • Prohibiton/Roaring 20's

    Prohibiton/Roaring 20's
    The Prohibition/ Roaring 20's was a time of great wealth. Since the use of alcohol was illegal speakeasies became very popular. Crime also increased during this time. Jazz also beacame very popular during this time period.
  • The Great Depression and the New Deal

    The Great Depression and the New Deal
    The Great Depression was partly caused because of buying stocks on margin. Hoovervilles, which are houses for the unemployed, were built. By 1934, 12 million people were unemployed. The New Deal help the Americans get out of the Great Depression by using the three R's: Relief, Recovery, and Reform.
  • World War ll

    World War ll
    The United States entered the World War II when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. This war helped the Americans get out of the Great Depression and show the world their dominance. The first atomic bombs were also used by the Unites States in this war.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor occured when Japenese fighter planes bombed the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. 2,403 Americans were killed. This caused the United States to join World War II.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War was the first military action of the Cold War. North Korea invaded South Korea, which caused the United States to send troops to help aid South Korea. The United States did this because they didn't want communism to spread to other countries.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    The Cold War was between the United States and Russia. The Cuban Missile Crisis occured when Russia sent nuclear weapons to Cuba and aimed them at the United States. The United States and Russia also competed in who was going to be the first in space. Glasnost, which means openness, ended the Cold War.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    This War was a part of the Cold War. Russia sided with North Vietnam and the United States sided with South Vietnam. The United States helped to aid South Vietnam in the War because they wanted to prevent communism from entering into South Vietnam.
  • The Gulf War

    The Gulf War
    The Gulf War was also called Operation Desert Storm. Iraq invaded Kuwait which caused the United States to begin a missle attack on Iraq. This war led to the Iraq War in 2003.
  • September 11, 2001

    September 11, 2001
    9/11 was a series of terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda on the United States. Two planes flew into the Twin Towers in New York City and caused them to collapse. A third plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and a fourth plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom

    Operation Enduring Freedom
    The primary goal of the Operation Enduring Freedom was to capture Osama Bin Laden, who planned the terrorist attack on 9/11. The United States also wanted to end Al-Qaeda's terrorist activities.
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    The Invasion of Iraq caused the Iraq War. This invasion lasted twenty-one days. The United States invaded Iraq and tried to end terrorist activities.
  • Operation Iraqi Freedom

    Operation Iraqi Freedom was started to try to prevent Saddam Hussein from being able to develop weapons of mass destruction. The United States also did this to try to stop Global Terrorism.