Relationships During WWII
Stalin comes to an agreement with Hitler -
Relationship During WWII
Hitler goes against the agreement and makes a attack against Stalin. -
The Marshall Plan
" US Security of State Marshall announced the Marshall Plan"( The Cold War 4) -
Truman Doctrine
" British help Greek Government fight against communist guerrillas" ( The Cold War 3) -
Space Race
" The USSR launched Sputnik I" -
The Berlin Crisis
" Three western controlled zones of Germany united; grew in prosperity due to the Marshall Plan"( The Cold War 4) -
Greece Gets Help
" Greece received large amounts of arms and supplies and by 1949 had defeated the communists" ( The cold War 3) -
Arms Race
" Cold War tensions increased in the US when the USSR exploded its first atomic bomb " -
Warsaw Pact
" Organization of communists states in Central and Eastern Europe" ( The Cold War 5). -
Eisenhower Doctrine
" The Eisenhower Doctrine was announced in a speech to congress" ( The Cold War 4) -
The Bay of Pigs
US troops land on the Coast of Cuba wanting support from locals -
The Bay of Pigs Invasion
Attempts of the US to over take the Cuban Government -
Berlin Wall
A fence went up between East and West Berlin -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuba becomes under attack by the Soviet -
Nixon's Negotiations
Nixon begins to negotiate terms between USSR and SALT -
Soviets Stop the Change
USSR tries to change Afghanistan. -
The Berlin Wall comes Down
The Wall comes down to rejoin East and West Germany -
The USSR Comes Apart
After the end of Soviets government the USSR comes apart -
The U-2 Incident
"CIA Agent Francis Gray Powers' U-2 was shot down by Soviet missile" ( The Cold War 7) -
Star Wars stops Thaw
The thaw was put on pause to participate in the Space Race