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History Timeline
Immigration in america
Immigration in america is a huge problem. it has been a problem for a long time. Now in this day in age it is one of the biggest problems in america. The United states has to figure out a way to fix the problem soon, before the immigration problem gets out of hand. -
Labor Issues In The United States
Labor issues have been a key factor in the United States. Some people in the country think they should be paid 15 dollars and hour for a 8 hour 9-5 work day. some think otherwise. Right mow the minimum wage is at 7.25. no one likes the idea of this, but we have to live with it. This wage will probably change again the people are just waiting to see. -
Where Does our History Start
The word History comes from the Greek word "Hostoria". history is like time travel. With all the artifacts and engraving and all the things left from the past we can see how it effected our present. without history we wouldn't know how to solve our problems today. we wouldn't know how to do math, science, read, write etc... History helped us overcome wars, figure out new strategies that we forgot about. history is our way of living. -
America's Wars
The United States has always been known to be a powerhouse when it comes to fighting. The united states have been in 12 major wars. lost 2 that's a pretty good record in my eyes. we have been at at war with major countries like Russia, China, Vietnam, Korea, just to name a few. war is a vital part in america's hstory. -
The struggles in the 1930's
in the 1930's there was a traumatic fall in living expences, money, poverty and struggle all around the country. this was the lowest point in U.S history. the labor during this time was low. Many people did not have jobs and the unemployment rate was the lowest it had ever been. -
Stock Market Crash
the stock market crash in 1929 was one of the most chaotic thing that had happened to the united states. People lost lots of money and there were protests because if companies lost money they had to let people off and keep the good ones, so people lost jobs. -
Upcoming of Jazz
Jazz was invented in 1895 by Buddy Bolden with him and his band. jazz wasn't really popular until the 1930's. it as a way to get over the wars that were going on. People turned to jazz to just calm their mind and get the serenity they needed. -
The holocaust was the most disgusting and most inhumane way to treat a human. To kill so many people and to put them in gas chambers is frightening. I can only imagine what they went through. It was done by one man Adolf Hitler. He killed roughly 12 million people. -
WW2 was the biggest war the world had ever seen. It had the most casualties and civilian deaths. it was caused by a lot of things among countries. United states was going through the great depression, Hitler had to be stopped. Those are just a few -
Cuban Missile Crisis
A dispute between U.S.A and U.S.S.R. about missiles launched on italy. this was stopped when Cuba and U.S.S.R came to an agreement not to go to war -
Relations Between U.S.A and U.S.S.R.
The relationship between the United States and U.S.S.R. . At this time period these two countries were the two powerhouses of the the world and the only way a country would win a war , is if it was a nuclear one. -
MLk Speach
MLK was one of the biggest activist the world has seen. he changed the way america is ran today. People from all races can sit in a football arena and cheer for the same team. -
Civil Rights
Civil rights was a movement for about a decade to ensure that black people had equal rights as white people. this is one of the biggest movements in american history. -
What is communism
A political theory that all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. -
Who was Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan in some eyes is considered the best president to ever be elected. he has many accomplishments. some are he was the governor of California before his presidency, and a major one is that he played a key role in the ending of the cold war. -
U.S Military Bases
the United States military right now is the scariest military in the world.It has bases everywhere in the world. there are different branches, the Army The Marines, Navy, and the Air Force. -
Barack Obama
Barack Obama was the 44th president for The United States. he was a historical president in many ways. He was the first black president and was the only president to give medical insurance to Americans. -
Civil Rights and It's Impact
The civil rights had a major impact on The United States. It effected it by dividing the country. It was started by black people not liking the way they were treated. Their were many activist for black people such as MLK, Malcolm X, Rosa Parks, just to name a few. -
Why Immigrants Come to The United States
Immigrants come to The United States because they think that America is the place for them. Either their countries are not what they want it to be. their country may not go by the religion they ant to worship, so they come to America and worship any religion r anything they want. -
The Becoming of WW1
The becoming of WW1 was because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.This was a war between the central powers of Germany, Austria and Bulgaria. This was the first world war had roughly around 40 million casualties