Roanoke was the first settlement of England in America, more importantly Virginia. When its Governor John White returned, all the people were gone. This happened twice. the word Croatoan were engraved into a fence post. nobody knows why nobody there when white retuned to this day.
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Period: to
First settlements
The first settlements were founded in this timespan. -
Jamestown was the first permanent colony ever founded in Virginia and America. It was founded by the English because of having deep water and a good defensive positioning. Later in 1608, John Smith became the leader of Jamestown. He established the No work, No food policy. Link text -
House of Burgesses
The House of Burgesses was the first legislature in the colonies. it started in Virginia to at first set a minimum price for tobacco. Soon it became a form of government. The house can make laws that can only be vetoed by the governor, whom was appointed by Virginia, but later on it was by the crown. Link text -
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Between settling
Important events that happened in between the first and the colonies -
The Great (Puritan) Migration
Due to religious and economic reasons, separatists left England and headed for the U.S. they felt that the Church of England was to close to the Catholic religion. They left on the Mayflower. Link text -
Mayflower+Plymouth+Mayflower Compact
*Mayflower: The Mayflower was the boat that sailed puritans and pilgrims (102 total) from a southern port in England called Plymouth with only one death.
*Plymouth: Plymouth was founded by the separatists/ "saints" on the Mayflower under William Bradford.
*The Mayflower Compact: The compact stated that -
Period: to
The timespan of settling the colonies -
Massachusetts Bay Colony
The Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by the Massachusetts Bay Company formally known as the New England Company. After it formed, it failed to say that you had to stay in England for hosting meetings. So they decided to move to America. The colony set up a government that was efficient and surrounded their beliefs. Link text -
In 1636 Thomas Hooker Found the New England colony Called Connecticut. It is one of the originals. Before Hooker had it, the Dutch found it in 1633. Link text -
Maryland is a southern colony founded by Lord Baltimore whom had a city named after himself. Maryland was named after Queen Henrietta Maria. Maryland had religious toleratence, and specialized in manufacturing. Link text -
Rhode Island
Rhode Island is a New England colony founded by Rodger Williams. It had no religious freedom, and specialized in agriculture. Link text -
Maryland Toleration Act
Unlike beliefs, The Maryland Toleration Act did not bring religious freedom, nor did it come from Lord Baltimore. It is instead to be believed as a protection for Catholics from being "ill-treated" by the protestant majority. Link text -
In 1663, King Charles II gave the southern colony he called Carolina to his eight favorites.
1. Edward Hyde
2. Lord Craven
3. John Berkeley
4. George Monck
5. Anthony Ashley Cooper
6. George Cartert
7. William Berkeley
8. John Colleton -
New York
Originally a Dutch colony called New Amsterdam, England conquered New Amsterdam and named it after the Duke of York. New York then became a middle colony. Link text -
Bacon's Rebellion
In July 1675, the Deog Indians raided land in Virginia. some colonists soon attacked the wrong tribe of the Susquehanaugs. This made the Indians' raid even more. Governor William Berkeley told everyone to cool it, but that didn't work. Berkeley's Cousin Nathaniel Bacon ignored Berkeley's orders and seized Indians for stealing corn. Berkeley reprimanded him for it, which started a war between the two. Berkeley won. Link text -
Pennsylvania was a middle colony and safe haven for Quakers, Jews, Lutherans, and other religious minorities founded by Quaker William Penn. They specialized in agriculture and manufacturing. Link text -
Salutary Neglect
Salutary Neglect was a policy that aloud The 13 Colonies to break trade laws. BUT! It was not documented. It lasted from the 1690's to the 1760's. This gave America a big trade boost. Link text -
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The time to trade
Simce you could break trade laws and the king wouldn't even bat an eyelash at you, this was the time to trade! -
Salem Witch Trials
The Salem witch trials was a dark time in U.S history in Massachusetts, in which a bunch of trials centering witchcraft started. This was a Really bad time for this to happen, because the people thought that satan was trying to enter and destroy the church. It was later revoked due to violation of several rules. Link text -
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The dark days
This was a nad time, religion had been threatened by witchcraft, and people were fainting from the harsh teachings of the church. -
The Great Awakening
Jonathan Edwards felt that the church was too concerned with the world's problems, and its people were too busy trying to get rich instead of focusing on religion. So Edwards decided to start using fear to fix that, and it did. George Whitefield did the same thing, but in acting and plays. Link text -
The French-Indian War
France and Britain were colonizing like crazy! And this had a big impact on the Indians. the French went after the Ohio area, so they told the British that France owned it now. But they told the Indians that the French nor British owned Ohio, and they will still trade. The British were mad upon hearing this and made a fort in Ohio. A treaty took place, but it failed. George Washington asked nicely, but had forced the French out. Link text -
Period: to
The French-Indian war and its effects
This was the first big war the us was in, and suffered from -
Albany Plan
In the 1750's, the Colonies lacked a sense of union. So in 1754, a delegation of Americans made the Albany plan. If successful, it would have created a central government to oversee The colonies. However, it was view as way to extreme by Americans and British alike. It was then scrapped, but it did foreshadow the colonies' independence and becoming of America. Link text -
Proclamation of 1763
After the French-Indian war, England got a lot of land. And with more land, more problems. For the Ohio valley was marked in the east of the Appalachians, and the Mississippi river to the right. And to make things worse, Britain said stop getting more land, while the salty Indians were still fighting us after the war. To stop the fights, Britian made the Royal Proclamation to stop settlement. That didn't go over well with Americans. Link text