U.S. History Timeline 1754-1877 by Katherine Wright

  • The Stamp Act Is Put In Place

    The Stamp Act Is Put In Place
    The Stamp Act was put in place on March 22, 1765. It was a tax on all printed goods that was placed on the American colonies by Britain. This event is important because it drove the colonies closer to revolution. I chose it because the Stamp Act was a key factor that led to the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    On March 5, 1770, five American colonists were killed and 3 were injured by British soldiers. It happened in Boston, Massachusetts after a group of colonists started to harass the British redcoats. This event further escalated tensions between Britain and the American colonies. I chose it because I believe it is another key event that led the colonists to fight for their independence.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party occurred on December 16, 1773 when American colonists rioted against British taxation by raiding three of their ships. The colonists poured the tea the ships were carrying into the Boston Harbor. This event is important because it was when the colonists started to fight back against Britain. I chose it because it was when the colonists started working together to fight for their independence from the cruel treatment from Britain.
  • Continental Congress First Meets

    Continental Congress First Meets
    On September 5, 1774, delegates from twelve of the thirteen American colonies met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They met to discuss the unfair treatment and taxes they were given by Britain. This event is important because it was one of the first times the colonist saw themselves as separate from Britain. I chose it because it is a very crucial event in our nation's history and revolution.
  • Declaration of Independence Approved

    Declaration of Independence Approved
    On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the thirteen colonies. Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to Britain declaring the American colonies as a separate country, the United States of America. The document was created at the second Continental Congress meeting. This event is very important because its when the colonists officially became their own country. It is one of the most important dates in our nation's history.
  • Treaty of Paris is Signed

    Treaty of Paris is Signed
    On September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, officially ending the French and Indian War. It was signed by King George III and representatives of the United States in Paris, France. This event is important because it was when Britain first recognized America as an independent country. I chose this event because it was when our country was officially separate from Britain.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    On August 31, 1786, a group of farmers in western Massachusetts rioted over state taxes. The farmers were angry about having to pay many taxes such as property taxes. This event is important because it was one of the many things that led to a new constitution being created. I think this event is important because it got national attention.
  • Constitution Is Ratified

    Constitution Is Ratified
    On June 21, 1788 nine of the thirteen states officially ratified the United States Constitution. It was created by the Continental Congress and then ratified by the states. This event is important because it was one of the first official government documents for our country.
  • George Washington Becomes President

    George Washington Becomes President
    On April 30, 1789, George Washington was officially elected as the first president of the United States. He took his Oath of Office in New York. He unanimously won the election and went on to serve until 1797. This event is very important because he was the first president in the new democratic government. I chose this event because it was a key part in our government's history.
  • George Washington Dies

    George Washington Dies
    On December 14, 1799 George Washington died of quinsy, or inflammation of the throat. He died in his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia. This event is important because George Washington was very important in the founding of our nation. I chose this event because this was a very sad day, as George Washington was important to many people.
  • Louisiana Purchase Is Signed

    Louisiana Purchase Is Signed
    On April 30, 1803 the Louisiana Purchase was officially signed, adding 827,000 square miles of land to the United States. The purchase was a deal between France and America, adding lots of land west of the Mississippi river for $15,000,00. This event is important because it largely expanded our country. I chose this event because it helped the U.S. become more powerful as a country.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    On June 18, 1812, a declaration of war against Britain was signed by President James Madison, starting the War of 1812. The war was started because Britain started restricting trade with the United States. This event is important because the war was a significant one to our country, costing about 15,000 American lives. I chose this event because the War of 1812 was a major part in our nation's history.
  • The White House is Burned

    The White House is Burned
    On August 24, 1814, the British invaded Washington D.C., and attacked the White House. This event is important because it was a major attack on U.S. soil during the War of 1812. I chose this event because it was important for American drive to keep fighting the war.
  • Missouri Compromise is Signed

    Missouri Compromise is Signed
    On March 3, 1820, the Missouri Compromise was signed. The purpose of the compromise was to keep the balance between slave states and free states in America. Missouri was admitted as a slave state, and Maine was admitted as a free state. This event is important because it eased the tensions of slavery between the north and the south. I chose this event because it shows how America kept the balance between the slave states and free states.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Elected as President

    Abraham Lincoln is Elected as President
    On November 6, 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected as America's sixteenth president. This event is important because this was a huge upset for the south, fearing that Lincoln would end slavery once he takes over as president. I chose this event because it was a prime factor that led to the Civil War.
  • Battle Of Fort Sumter

    Battle Of Fort Sumter
    On April 12, 1861, the South Carolina militia invaded Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The United States Army fought back, officially starting the Civil War. This event was very important because it started the American Civil War, a very important part of America's history.
  • President Abraham Lincoln Delivers the Gettysburg Address

    President Abraham Lincoln Delivers the Gettysburg Address
    On November 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The purpose of this speech was to re-unite the country and to bring an end to the Civil War. This event is important because it helped bring an end to this Civil War. I chose this event because it shows Abraham Lincoln taking action as president to help the country.
  • Civil War Ends

    Civil War Ends
    On April 9, 1865, the Confederates surrendered the Civil War at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. General Robert E. Lee from the south and General Grant from the north met up to officially end the Civil War. This event is important and I chose it because this war was a very significant part in our nation's history.
  • President Abraham Lincoln is Assassinated

    President Abraham Lincoln is Assassinated
    On April 15, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the head while he was watching the play 'Our American Cousin' at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C.. This event is important because it was Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated.
  • Thirteenth Amendment Abolishing Slavery Is Ratified

    Thirteenth Amendment Abolishing Slavery Is Ratified
    On December 6, 1865 the thirteenth amendment that abolished slavery was officially ratified. Twenty-seven of the thirty-six states ratified it, making it official. This event is important and I chose it because it finally made the United States of America a free country, which was a very important step for our county.