Industrial Revolution
This was a time in which industrialization rapidly increased, consuming the agricultural period. It lasted over a century.
http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/9d2b1500-80c6-4738-8539-bf81e6e15052/dd39a39a-3f4e-4ebf-84cb-109e215796ee.jpg -
Constittion is established
The Constitution, made up of the Preamble, articles, and amendments, is signed by 39 delegates of the Constitutional Convention. It was written to set up our political system.
http://gsa.buffalostate.edu/sites/gsa.buffalostate.edu/files/uploads/Forms%20Tab/Constitution.jpg -
John Adams is elected president of the United States
Jefferson is elected as his vice president because he received the second most votes.
Missouri Compomise
Establishes that Missouri is a slave state and Maine is a free state. Maine now gives all men the right to vote and education.
http://tccl.rit.albany.edu/knilt/images/thumb/7/75/Missouri_compromise.JPG/800px-Missouri_compromise.JPG -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Developed the current territories of Nebraska and Kansas. It repealed the Missouri Comprimise, and allowed the white male settlers to determine whether slavery would be allowed in each territory.
http://www-tc.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/media/uploads/lincolns_shifting_1854.jpg -
Dred Scott Case
A slave named Dred Scott brought his case before the Surpreme Court. He had lived in both free, and slave states, and argued that he was entitled to freedom. The court dissagreed and claimed that no black could pronounce his citizenship in the United States.
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/images/4dred10m.jpg -
Anaconda Plan
President Lincoln and General Winfield Scott developed this Civil War strategy to create a naval blockade of southern ports and gain control over the Mississippi River to close in on the South from the east and west.
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Emancipation Proclomation
President Lincoln declared that "all persons held as slaves within the rebellious states are, and henceforward, shall be free". This came about in the 3rd year of the Civil War.
http://www.loc.gov/rr/program/bib/ourdocs/Images/proclamation.jpg -
Sherman's March
Union General William T. Sherman led soldiers on a 285-mile march to Savannah, Georgia. It's purpose was to frighten the population of Georgia into submission.
http://paintingandframe.com/uploadpic/others/big/1-georgia_shermans_march.jpg -
President Lincoln's Assasination
Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army, ending the American Civil War. Five days later, John Wilkes Booth shot President Lincoln at the Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C.