U.S. History II

  • Grant Becomes President

    Grant Becomes President
    Ulysses S. Grant, former commander of the Union army during the Civil War, defeats Horatio Seymour.
  • Jay Gould and Jim Fisk Corner Financial Market

    Jay Gould and Jim Fisk Corner Financial Market
    Careful planning and the manipulation of President Grant allowed these two partners to bid high on the price of gold, right as the U.S. Treasury released it.
  • Tweed Scandal

    Tweed Scandal
    The New York Times unravels the Tweed Ring Scandal in New York City. "Boss" Tweed used bribery and fraudulent elections to scheme $200 million from the New York Metroploitan Area.
  • The Amnesty Act

    The Amnesty Act
    The Liberal Republicans caused the Republican Congress to pass this act, which removed political disabilities from former Confederate leaders.
  • Credit Mobilier

    Credit Mobilier
    Members of the Union Pacific Railroad line established the Credit Mobilier Construction Company. They hired themselves at inflated wages and earned high dividends by building the railroad line.
  • Liberal Republican Party Formed

    Liberal Republican Party Formed
    In response to the political corruption and greed in Washington D.C., the Liberal Republican Party was formed.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    Too many unpaid loans, expansion, and overspeculating caused a financial downturn in 1873. Inflation depleted the value of the greenback.
  • Resumption Act

    Resumption Act
    This act forced Congress to remove th euse of greenbacks and reissue the use of paper currency, which would be revalued at the start of 1879.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    This law was supposed to give free public access to African Americans and unbiased juries for public courts, but it was struck down by the Supreme Court as being unconstitutional by the 14th Amendment.
  • Hayes-Tilden Election

    Hayes-Tilden Election
    Samuel J. Tilden, the Demoratic candidate, won the popular vote during the 1876 presidential election, but Rutherford B. Hayes, the Republican candidate, had the majority of votes in the Electoral College.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    It was determined that the Republican Party would win the election, giving Hayes the presidency, Democrats agreed to the conclusion as long as federal troops were removed from Louisiana and South Carolina.
  • Redemption Day

    Redemption Day
    This was the day when holders of greenbacks could exchange them for gold; however, few people did this, and the value of the greenback actually went up again because of this.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    These laws were enforced by Southern State Legislators in an attempt to separate blacks from white even further, and to keep blacks from gaining civil liberties.
  • Garfield Becomes President

    Garfield Becomes President
    Republican James A. Garfield defeats Democratic Civil War Hero Winfield Scott to become the President of the United States.
  • Garfield Assasinated

    Garfield Assasinated
    Charles J. Guiteau shot and killed President Garfield at a Washington railroad station in the hopes of "equalizing job opportunity.
  • Chinese Eclusion Act

    Chinese Eclusion Act
    This controversial law forbade Chinese emigrants from coming into America. This was done after numerous West Coast citizens blamed low job opportunities and a bad economy on Chinese immigrants.
  • Pendleton Act

    Pendleton Act
    After the assasination of President Garfield, this act forbade federal employees from financially supporting campaigns. It also established the Civil Service Commission.
  • Cleveland Becomes President

    Cleveland Becomes President
    Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland defeats Republican James G. Blain in the presidential lection of 1884.
  • Harrison Becomes President

    Harrison Becomes President
    Republican candidate Benjamin Harrison defeats Grover Cleveland in the presidential election of 1888, even though Cleveland won th epopular vote.
  • McKinley Tariff Act

    McKinley Tariff Act
    The "Billion-Dollar Congress" passed this controversial act, which raised tariffs again and brought even more trouble to farmers.